
### 养生益处:

1. **清热解毒**:青果性味甘、酸、平,入肺、胃、大肠经,具有清热解毒、生津止渴的功效。

2. **润肺止咳**:对于咳嗽、咽痛等呼吸道疾病有一定的缓解作用。

3. **降火**:青果有降火的功效,适用于口腔溃疡、牙痛等症状。

4. **抗氧化**:青果中含有丰富的抗氧化物质,如维生素C、维生素E等,有助于延缓衰老。

5. **养颜美容**:青果有助于改善肤色,使皮肤更加光滑细腻。

6. **促进消化**:青果可以促进胃肠蠕动,有助于消化。

7. **抗菌消炎**:青果具有一定的抗菌消炎作用,对于一些轻微的炎症有一定的缓解作用。

### 禁忌:

1. **脾胃虚寒者慎食**:青果性质偏寒,脾胃虚寒的人食用过多可能会加重病情。

2. **胃酸过多者慎食**:青果中的酸性成分可能刺激胃酸分泌,胃酸过多的人应慎食。


3. **孕妇忌食**:孕妇在孕期应避免食用青果,以免影响胎儿健康。

4. **过敏体质者慎食**:过敏体质的人可能对青果中的某些成分过敏,应慎食。

5. **不宜空腹食用**:空腹食用青果可能会刺激胃黏膜,引起不适。

6. **不宜过量食用**:过量食用青果可能会导致消化不良、胃痛等症状。



1. **活血通经**:王不留行具有活血化瘀的作用,能够疏通经络,对于血瘀引起的经闭、痛经、难产等症状有很好的缓解作用。

2. **下乳消肿**:对于产后乳汁不下、乳痈肿痛等哺乳期妇女的常见问题,王不留行能够促进乳汁分泌,消除肿块,缓解疼痛。


3. **利尿通淋**:对于热淋、血淋、石淋等泌尿系统疾病,王不留行具有利尿通淋的功效,可以帮助排出体内的湿热和结石。

4. **其他功效**:王不留行还被用于治疗乳腺炎、前列腺炎、白血病、恶性淋巴瘤等疾病,对于这些疾病属于血瘀证者,具有一定的辅助治疗作用。



1. **炒制**:炒王不留行可以降低其毒性,同时也有利于药效的发挥。

2. **烘干**:传统太阳晒干和现代热泵烘干机在烘干王不留行时,后者在保护药效和营养成分方面具有优势。

3. **副作用**:虽然王不留行药效显著,但在使用过程中也可能出现副作用,如出血症状加重等。因此,在使用王不留行时,应在医生指导下进行。

4. **用量**:王不留行的用量应根据个人体质和病情进行调整,过量使用可能导致不适。




1. **活血止痛**:独一味胶囊中含有多种活性成分,如黄酮类、皂苷、挥发油等,这些成分能够活血化瘀,有效缓解因血液循环不畅引起的疼痛,如外科手术后刀口疼痛、筋骨扭伤、风湿痹痛等。

2. **化瘀止血**:独一味胶囊具有显著的止血效果,可用于治疗因外伤或手术引起的出血,并且有止血不留瘀的特点,即能够止血而不造成瘀血。

3. **抗炎作用**:独一味具有抗炎作用,可以用于治疗各种炎症,如牙龈肿痛、风湿性关节炎等。

4. **抗菌作用**:独一味对多种细菌,如乙型溶血性链球菌、痢疾杆菌等,具有一定的抑菌作用,可用于辅助治疗相关感染。

5. **提高免疫功能**:独一味胶囊能够提高人体的免疫功能,增强机体对病原微生物的抵抗力,对预防疾病有积极作用。

6. **抗肿瘤作用**:研究表明,独一味中的某些成分具有抑制肿瘤细胞生长的作用,可能对癌症有一定的辅助治疗作用。

7. **其他作用**:独一味胶囊还能改善局部微循环,有助于消肿、止痛,对于跌打损伤、关节疼痛、女性痛经等也有一定的治疗效果。



– **严格遵医嘱**:使用独一味胶囊应遵照医生或药师的建议,严格按照说明书规定的用法用量使用。

– **个体差异**:由于个体差异,不同人对独一味胶囊的反应可能不同,使用过程中如有不适,应及时咨询医生。



– **特殊人群**:孕妇、哺乳期妇女及儿童等特殊人群在使用独一味胶囊前应咨询专业医生。



1. **健脾利湿**:薏米具有健脾、利湿的功效,能够帮助改善脾虚湿盛的情况,如头昏、头重、大便溏泻等。


2. **补血养颜**:红豆和红枣富含铁质,有助于补血,对于改善面色苍白、气血不足等症状有很好的作用。


3. **美容养颜**:红豆薏米红枣粥中的成分有助于滋润皮肤,美白效果显著,对于晒黑的皮肤有恢复白皙的作用。


4. **增强免疫力**:薏米、红枣等食材富含多种维生素和矿物质,有助于增强机体抵抗力,预防疾病。

5. **改善睡眠**:红枣具有安神的作用,可以改善失眠多梦等症状,提高睡眠质量。

6. **保肝护肝**:红豆薏米红枣粥中的一些成分能提高肝脏解毒功能,保护肝脏健康。

7. **消肿利尿**:红豆和薏米都有利水消肿的作用,可以帮助身体排出多余的水分,减轻水肿。

8. **润肠通便**:燕麦和红豆薏米等成分有助于促进肠道蠕动,预防便秘。

9. **延缓衰老**:红枣、花生等食材含有丰富的抗氧化物质,有助于延缓衰老,保持年轻状态。

10. **促进蛋白质合成**:红枣等食材含有丰富的维生素C,有助于促进体内蛋白质合成,提高免疫力。

11. **治疗妇科疾病**:红豆薏米红枣粥对妇科疾病有一定的预防和缓解作用,如月经不调、痛经等。





1. 利尿通淋:寸冬草具有利尿作用,对于湿热下注、小便不利、淋证等症状有较好的疗效。

2. 清热解毒:寸冬草具有清热解毒的功效,对于热病发热、口渴、烦躁等症状有一定的缓解作用。

3. 凉血止血:寸冬草具有凉血止血作用,对于血热引起的吐血、衄血、尿血等症状有较好的疗效。

4. 消肿止痛:寸冬草还具有消肿止痛的功效,对于跌打损伤、瘀血肿痛等症状有一定的缓解作用。

5. 抗菌消炎:寸冬草具有一定的抗菌消炎作用,对于某些感染性疾病有一定的辅助治疗作用。




1. **助消化**:山楂片中含有丰富的果酸和有机酸,能够刺激唾液和胃液的分泌,有助于食物的消化和吸收,对于改善消化不良、积食、食欲不振等症状有显著效果。

2. **降血脂和降血压**:山楂片中含有黄酮类、三萜酸、熊果酸等成分,这些成分具有扩张血管、增加冠脉血流量、改善心脏活力、降低胆固醇和甘油三酯的作用,对于预防和治疗高血压、高血脂等心血管疾病有积极作用。

3. **保护心血管健康**:山楂片中的成分能够帮助疏通血管,预防动脉粥样硬化,保护心血管健康。

4. **调节血脂和胆固醇**:山楂中的解脂酶能够促进脂肪的分解,有助于降低血脂和胆固醇,对预防心脑血管疾病有好处。

5. **防癌抗癌**:山楂片中的牡荆素等成分具有抑制癌细胞生长的作用,能够降低癌症风险。

6. **提高免疫力**:山楂片含有醋酸奈脂酶,这种成分能够有效提高人体的免疫力。

7. **其他功效**:山楂片还具有收敛止泻、活血化瘀、缓解胸膈痞满、疝气、瘀血闭经等功效。


– **不宜空腹食用**:山楂片中的果酸和有机酸容易刺激胃黏膜,空腹食用可能导致胃痛、胃酸过多等不适。

– **适量食用**:过量食用山楂片可能会导致消化不良、胃酸过多等问题。

– **特殊人群慎用**:脾胃虚弱、胃溃疡等消化系统疾病患者应慎用或避免食用山楂片。



Even a stubborn stone can become immortal after it is realized.

Moreover, some martial arts are born with the function of sending intelligence.
Virtual if calm tunnel "brother refused to leave after stealing is to see virtual if angry?"
A little fire in the shadow in the distance shows an old and a young figure.
The old man’s face is wrinkled, and his short stature should have been an unremarkable old man, but his eyes are shining sharply at the moment, like he can see through other people’s hearts, and his right hand is holding a cigarette and his left hand is on the shoulders of young people around him, but there is a feeling of stability that makes people feel that he is not an ordinary generation
It is not surprising to see the strange old man, but the brilliant young man next to him made him motivated. He not only didn’t find the position of the strange old man before, but also didn’t find this ugly young man.
Besides, it’s hard to believe that this little timid guy can hide from his spirit sleep.
If you smile at the strange old man, you say, "Dude, it’s a monkey-shaped fire grid. Ruo Xu is not mistaken. It must be Fan Liang, a lone thief, and Fan Xiong."
It turns out that this strange old man is a famous "lone thief" Fan Liang, and he is also a master of blacklisting.
There are also talents like him who dare to break into the Jianghu. People think that the ghost palace in the dragon’s den can still keep him from leaving.
Fan Liang extremely pulled the young man walked to come over, awe-inspiring in my heart, but staring at Li Zhichang. If this guy hadn’t seen through his nocturnal method, he was forced to show up.
Li Zhichang’s self-drinking and self-drinking are completely indifferent to Fan Liangji’s eyes, posing as an attitude of staying out of it.
Fan Liang extremely laughed. "The ghost palace was indeed planted today." Fan Liang extremely took out a map from the body and threw it at the empty space.
If you don’t look at it, you can throw it directly at Jingcheng with a cold sneer. "Don’t Fan Xiong return it to its original owner and get away? You don’t take the ghost palace seriously."
Fan Liangji never forced himself to take out tobacco from his body, lit cigarette butts and took a deep drag on his cigarette. "I’m afraid the ghost king can’t keep me if he wants to keep me, even if he flatters me, he won’t keep me."
If you know that Fan Liangji is not raving, the rest of the black list masters are all superb, but Fan Liangji can rank in the black list only by flying skills and stealing skills. He has never failed to do several major cases in the past 30 years.
This thief may not be in the top ten of the day, but when it comes to life-saving kung fu, he claims to be the second, and I’m afraid no one will be the first.
If empty light way, "I naturally believe that it is easy for Fan Xiong to leave, but it is not so easy for this little brother around you to leave with you."
Although Fan Liang is a little strange around him, I don’t believe it if I say that my kung fu is better than Fan Liang’s.
"I think the ghost king can’t leave Brother Fan, let alone this little brother." Li Zhichang sounded timely.
The young man suddenly stepped out like a different person, showing great boldness of vision and heroism, pointing to Li Zhichang and saying, "I want to challenge you."
He can’t help but be surprised by this state of mind. Even Fan Liang is secretly complaining that he is puzzled by Li Zhichang, a mysterious figure. I didn’t expect this young man to take the initiative to provoke Li Zhichang without knowing what to do.
He low drink a way "Han Bai hurry back"
Li Zhichang, however, looked appreciative and smiled gently. "Tao’s kind of magic solution is really extraordinary, which can make Han Xiaoge totally different at the moment and challenge me flagrantly in mental oppression."
Generally speaking, you come and go in a contest. The middle-rider ratio is a speed strategy that can’t be careless; The ratio of passengers to passengers is the disadvantage of spiritual intelligence. All factors that are beneficial to oneself can achieve the effect of defeating others without fighting.
Li Zhichang said nothing before, but his spirit was like the essence, which caused great spiritual oppression to Han Bai.
Han Bai is miserable. Just now, the previous step was the momentum counterattack. At the same time, he had to send him a war to take the initiative before Li Zhichang’s spirit became stronger and stronger.
If you think about it, you will understand why you think highly of Han Bai. I didn’t expect this person to enter the super-class master position at a young age, and the future is really limitless.
What’s more, Li Zhichang’s statement that "the Taoist mind grows a magic solution" surprised his heart even more.
It should be noted that Pang Spot’s coming out of the mountain this time is said to have developed the Taoist mind’s magic solution. If Han Bai is also carrying the Taoist mind’s magic solution, he will become another Pang Spot in time.
Han Bai forehead is covered with fine sweat. After he just stepped out this step to challenge Li Zhichang, Li Zhichang’s spirit suddenly disappeared, and his accumulated momentum was like a flood breaking through the levee and leaking in the direction of Li Zhichang without any echo, so he always couldn’t make the first move.
Therefore, his body qi is a little messy at the moment and he is trying to channel it.
Fan Liangji said, "It’s hard to be superior to others."
Li Zhichang is young, but Fan Liang doesn’t believe that Li Zhichang is a young man in his early twenties. Of course, Li Zhichang is not a young man in his early twenties.
"Fan Xiong doesn’t seem to know that the magic solution with the mind is powerful. It’s hard for me. Perhaps this little brother Han is a nutrient for his growth. People who are burdened with the magic solution with the mind will never be afraid that failure will become stronger and stronger in the number of tempering." Li Zhichang deeply regrets that the magic solution with the mind can not only develop human potential, but also constantly raise the human limit in the growth of magic. It is really an amazing feat of plundering the universe.
Moreover, after so many years, the evolution of Taoist magic solution has been very different from the original, and it is hard to know how powerful it will eventually be even in Li Zhichang.
Of course, there is still a difference between Han Bai and Li Zhichang. Now he is poor in potential. Can he play his own potential and become a Pang spot? People at that level can see his fortune.

Looking at Sue ink figure sessions could not help but ask a way.

Jingyue Zhenxian shook his head slightly. "Nothing feels special. Of course, it may be that I am mistaken."
The duke of Juelei City said, "There are a few Xuanxian among many people who have a little means and talent this time, and one of them has been practicing to Xuanyuan in less than five thousand years."
"There is another person who is physically strong and different from ordinary people and has strong vitality."
"There is also a swordsman who can see the sword in the past and has a good understanding of kendo."
Speaking of which, the duke of Leicheng paused a little and added, "These people are really worthless compared with the man before."
"Anyway, this hunting game is huge in scale and large in number, which is definitely more exciting and interesting than before."
Jingyue really fairy chuckle.
Ten days later, the thunder city will be absolutely destroyed
Nearly 100,000 Xuanxian people gathered in the Duke’s Mansion, and it was dark at first glance.
The main mansion of Juelei City is more magnificent than Longyuan City. It is more than enough to accommodate nearly 100,000 Xuanxian in a wide square!
Su Mo also secretly observed one in the crowd.
Nearly 100,000 Xuanxian are mostly rank-9 Xuanxian and a few rank-7 Xuanxian, which shows the scale of this hunting party!
At the front of the square, there is a stone step with hundreds of steps that spread and stopped when it reached an open-air hall.
At the end of the stone steps, the main hall is located
On both sides of the hall, people are already full, one by one, looking relaxed, eating the seats in front of them, drinking fairy fruit and drinking wine.
"It’s all from the city lords who can’t sit in that hall!"
"There are also some famous immortals, and the crane-haired child is the leader of Tianshan Fairy Sect, and it is said that he is also a true immortal!"
Several monks in the crowd were whispering.
Although they are arrogant and evil in the world, they have been fighting for thousands of years and tens of thousands of years, and most of them have faded and sharpened their edges and corners.
It is clear to all that even if they have cultivated to the ninth order, Xuanxian is a worm in the eyes of these powerful immortals!
"Hey, hey, all the big names in Qingyun County are here, which is my chance to become famous in World War I!"
In the crowd, a strong man with a fierce look grinned and his eyes were blazing.
All the people present knew that they had no chance to get in touch with these immortals in the front hall at ordinary times.
This hunt will be an opportunity for everyone to change their destiny!
Su Mo’s face sank like water, and he was extremely calm, probing all around.
He has a vague feeling that this hunting party will definitely not be simple.
Everyone wants to be a hundred people alive, but in fact, most people are one of the remaining 90 thousand people.
In the crowd, Sumo found several monks who were not easy to provoke.
These people exude a little bit of danger.
Just then Sue ink heart move turned to look at a woman around.
This woman, dressed in purple with long hair tied behind her head, has a graceful figure, fair skin and a side face that doesn’t seem outstanding at first glance.
However, this woman is extremely attractive, and a few more eyes will feel that this woman has an extraordinary temperament and an indescribable softness.
And Su Mo stared at the purple girl for half a day instead of looking at it.
Normally, if people stare at them like this, they will produce induction.
But the girl in purple never looked back, looked calm and breathed without any floating, which seemed oblivious.
Su Mo looked back.
In this purple dress, he felt a kind of familiar breath, which was somewhat similar to the school of assassination.
Even he almost ignored the purple girl!
This is an extremely dangerous assassin!
Just then, a figure slowly descended on colorful auspicious clouds in the castellan mansion, overlooking the crowd.
"Meet the sheriff’s adult"
The main casters in the hall, including some patriarchs, all stood up and saluted with respect.
Putian Murphy Wang tu
Xu Shi once told Su Mo that in this big Jinxian country, all the major doors, forces and families must obey the will of the big Jinxian country and the rules must not be disobeyed!
The dominance of the Great Jinxian Kingdom over this land is much stronger than that of the Great Zhou Empire over the northern region!
"You don’t have to be polite."
Jingyue Zhenxiankou said, "I just got the news that the king of Yuanzuo County will visit Juelei City this time to watch the hunting party."
"This hunting party will eventually live to 100 people and will get the opportunity to follow the king of Yuanzuo County!"
There was an instant uproar in the crowd.
"The king of Yuanzuo County will also come?"

The wind suddenly saw that everyone threw all the balls aside after crossing the river and cried, "Take all the balls with you, maybe you can still get them after crossing the river."

Mo Qingqing looked sadly at the wind and said, "Will there be a time when we will run away with wild animals and the wild animals in the river will not come to eat us?"
The wind suddenly said, "It doesn’t matter if the ball is not heavy, otherwise we will have to cross the river one day. After this round of bombing, it will be difficult for us to find basketball and other tools to cross the river again."
Everyone listened to the wind and said that if you have a backpack, you put everything in it. If you don’t have a backpack, vines make a net to catch the basketball and hang it outside the backpack.
The wind is getting stronger and stronger, and it gets dark quickly.
By the time they packed their bags, it was already dark, and the wind roared and blew wild sand all over the sky.
Mo Qingqing took out her hand barrel and distributed it to everyone.
The hand barrel and searchlight can shine one or two meters away in the sand, and even when you open your mouth, you can eat a mouthful of dust.
Mo Qingqing secretly spits in his mind that the wind is not moving before the wind, and he has to wait until the wind blows before moving.
They walked on for about two or three hundred meters before they reached the bombing range.
You can see the ruins piled up by cement and steel bars by hand, and you can see the wind blowing in, carrying masonry and cement dust.
Due to poor visibility, there are often wild animals that have been killed suddenly appear in front of them at a distance of one or two meters. At first glance, they can’t tell whether they are alive or dead, which can scare people’s hearts out.
The wind is too strong to see the sandstorm, and it is estimated that the sight of wild animals is also blocked. It is unlikely that they will come out to hunt at this time. When they come here, the distance between the bridge and the river is already five or six hundred meters, so they took the team to find a sheltered place to rest.
Earthquake, plant erosion, animal impact and last night’s heavy bombing caused all the buildings to collapse into ruins, but some of the ruins still have some building frames, which basically keep the original house pattern.
Doors and windows have been damaged, furniture decoration has been swaying, leaving many traces of explosion and high temperature combustion on the wall, and the wall is full of mottled cracks.
The wind knocked on the wall and saw that it was still strong, so let everyone avoid it first.
Covered with walls and roofs, it can resist most of the sandstorm.
They huddled in the corner, covered themselves with cloaks, and kept warm and windproof with animal skins.
The wind suddenly arranged a vigil for good people, so that everyone could have a rest while grasping.
After a short nap, she woke up hungry. Her cloak blocked the wind and sand, took dried meat and water out of her backpack and huddled behind it to eat.
Mo Qingqing sat on the ground with a cloak and horns on her knees. She noticed that the wind was moving. Looking into the cloak, she saw that the wind was actually avoiding eating.
She leaned close to the wind and suddenly asked, "Are you hungry again?" After that, I also looked at the cloak with my eyes tilted against my head by the wind and said, "It feels good to hide under the covers and steal food."
The wind poured in her mouth and the meat almost couldn’t swallow her words. Mo Qingqing suddenly understood that Liu Che told Mo Qingqing that "you don’t talk to me" was too choking. She grabbed a piece of meat and stuffed it into Mo Qingqing’s mouth, successfully blocking Mo Qingqing’s mouth.
Mo Qingqing took the meat out of his mouth, bit a piece of meat, chewed it in his mouth, got into the windy cloak and squeezed and said, "Where did you say you ate the most meat and ate the most meals? You didn’t even gain a little weight."
The wind gave Mo Qingqing an oblique look and said, "Fat refers to pigs, right?" She doesn’t feel like talking to Mo Qingqing.
Mo Qingqing felt a little strange. At the moment, everyone in the saving pool didn’t light a lamp. Where did the light come from? Her probe looked out and her eyes were still dark. The huge moon hadn’t come out yet. She looked back suspiciously and saw the wind tilting and the faint light blue light in her collar. She said to her heart, "Is there still a hidden heart to eat?" I still hide in my chest! "
She took advantage of the wind and didn’t pay attention to it. She reached into the wind’s chest and clothes and quickly touched it back and forth.
The wind was stunned and scared in the same place. She wait for a while looked at her chest and saw Mo Qingqing’s hand. She also leaned in her collar and touched it back and forth. The T-shirt had rotted for so long after the disaster, and it was true inside her fur coat.
Mo Qingqing touched her heart back and forth for two times, but she didn’t touch her heart. She had to take her hand out and hook her collar and probe into the wind’s clothes.
The wind almost slapped Mo Qingqing’s face. Fortunately, from her understanding of Mo Qingqing, it is estimated that Mo Qingqing didn’t have that tendon at all, so she grabbed Mo Qingqing’s hand and held the greasy jerky against Mo Qingqing’s forehead to stop her from moving. She asked, "What are you touching?" Her voice braved the whooshing cold.
Mo Qingqing looked at the wind with a look of "I saw it" and said, "You’re secretly hiding something. Tell me where you hid your heart. I saw it shine."
The wind suddenly looked down at her chest again. She ate so much heart blue liquid, which was more than the other members of the team combined. It was normal for her heart to emit some light and come out. She was angry and a little Naiqu pointed to Mo Qingqing’s forehead and said, "That’s my heart shining."
Mo Qingqing didn’t believe it, but she tugged at the collar. When she saw the wind, there was a faint blue light on her left chest. The blue light on the right corner of her left breast was the brightest. The light seemed to come out from her body, making the blood vessels and tendons in her left breast clearly visible. It seemed a bit scary. She was so scared that she quickly let go and shrank back. She quickly pulled up Liu Che, who was sleeping on her other side, and shouted, "Liu Che, get up, get up quickly. It’s not good. The wind has mutated her left grandmother to shine."
The wind leans over his collar, pulls over his cloak, covers Mo Qingqing’s head, and slams two curses at Mo Qingqing’s head, "You idiot".
Liu Che emerged from his cloak and looked blankly at the fight. The two men asked, "What’s the matter? I didn’t catch the wind just now. "
Mo Qingqing cried out in pain. She lifted her cloak and said, "The wind leans … Mm-hmm …" The words behind her were covered by the wind.
She looked at the wind.
The wind glared at her with a look that you would beat you if you called me again.
MoQingQing rubbed his head just now, but it hurts to eat so much meat and heart for nothing. It’s so hard to knock on his head through the skin that it hurts like an iron hammer. It hurts until MoQingQing is afraid of being beaten again, so he dare not do it again.
Liu Che’s suspicious eyes shuttled back and forth between the two men. When he saw the wind pouring back into his cloak, he yawned and continued to sleep on her backpack. She couldn’t sit with wings on her back and couldn’t sleep. It was called a tired sleep.
Mo Qingqing looked at the eyes, sat beside her and watched her vigil. Han Beichen didn’t realize that it was inappropriate for a man to yell at himself. No wonder the wind would hit her. She took a careful look at her when she returned to the wind and ate. The wind seemed to be angry with her, so she sat next to the wind and whispered, "Is this mutation similar to that of the person who came back to rob our cave?" It’s strange that he is a fist and you are a left grandmother … "She didn’t finish her words, but she caught a glimpse of the wind and the meat to block her mouth and quickly hid.
The wind sighed deeply and said, "That position is the heart."
Mo Qingqing said, "Okay," and she glanced curiously at the wind’s chest.
The wind suddenly tightened his collar tightly and turned aside to stay away from MoQingQing.
Mo Qingqing looked at his neckline and sighed regretfully, "Why doesn’t my heart shine?"
Han Beichen saw MoQingQing move uncomfortably gently cough a move to the outside vigil.
The wind is getting stronger and stronger, and the wind is not only mixed with sand and dust, but also with thick moisture.
Liu Che had a sleep. When she looked at her wrist watch, she went outside and looked at the probe. Her eyes were dark to the sky.
It’s eleven o’clock at night. As usual, the wind is going to stop and the huge moon should have hung in the middle of the night. She walked over to the wind and said, "Not quite right. It’s almost eleven o’clock."
The wind suddenly glanced at Liu Che’s watch and got up to check the sky outside, but she heard a dull roar coming from the wind. She said to her heart, "Is there a monster nearby?"
Suddenly, a dazzling flash tore the darkness from the sky.
The flash reflect that wild world with strong wind and dusty sky and broken walls and ruin everywhere.

Yan Beichen immediately said

The wrath of the thunder emperor said, "even if you don’t fix it enough, it won’t help. You just try your best to keep the famine Sect."
"no need"
Just then a man and a woman stepped into the hall.
The man wearing a purple robe and a silver mask is Wudao Zun.
And the woman is wearing a white dress with a charming face, and her eyes cut water to make a little ripple.
Women can’t help but smile when they see some familiar figures of natural disasters.
The woman smiled and everyone felt amazing in their hearts.
Don’t say it’s the monk in the hall. Even Sirius looks straight, grinning, and the saliva at the corners of his mouth flows into a line without noticing it.
The first to return to absolute being was the wrath of the thunder emperor
After all, he is a fairy king in the world, and he has been imprisoned for hundreds of thousands of years. His Taoist heart has already been honed and honed.
Almost at the time of wrath, Emperor Lei came to his senses, he really looked and moved, and in his eyes, he resumed to sing a Buddhist name.
The true inheritance of the Bodhisattva Diksitigarbha and the Ananda Emperor, the clarity of Buddha’s heart and the profundity of Buddhism, quickly freed them from this charm.
The third person who regained consciousness was Yan Beichen.
Just seeing this woman, he had an illusion. The woman seemed to be smiling at him as if she had turned into Qin Pianpian.
However, he soon realized that Qin Pianran had already fallen, which was just his obsession.
Qiu Si, the same girl, was also fascinated by the female smile and was temporarily absent.
A Xiao suddenly sounded.
It was Gu Tong who was the first to wake up and blow the lonely Xiao.
Qiu Si fell in the heart and instantly smiled at Gutong. At the same time, his fingertips gently fiddled with the strings
Qinxiao ensemble
Wind purple clothes body Yishan in jean Xiao Zhong wake up.
Sirius and some people in the hall are still immersed in some illusion of their own, and they have long forgotten where they are.
For all this, Wu Daozun didn’t stop the hall people from seeing a demon.
Ji goblin suddenly realized what hurriedly took out a tulle in the bag to cover her face.
Her practice of taboo secret code has already integrated the secret meaning itself.
Even if she didn’t release the achievement method, her every move was fascinating and fascinating.
Now she suddenly covered her face and the others finally came to their senses like a dream.
Sirius was a tingle consciousness looked down.
His saliva has flowed in front of him into a large water trail!
"What a shame!"
Sirius dark scold a motionless in the heart lie prone to cover up this piece of water guilty glanced at budo honour.
"What a young monk, Yan Beichen, Yan Dage, you are here!"
Ji goblin all smiles waved at two people recruit.
"Amitabha, Amitabha …"
I really look at my nose, look at my mouth, and say a few Buddhist names in my heart before I smile toward this side and say, "Don’t be sick, patroness."
Yan Beichen has Qin in his heart.
He nodded quite frankly in the face of Ji’s demon. "I saw an old friend when it came to light again!"
Ji goblin falls in Qiu Si and Gu Tong has a pause.
The two men looked unfamiliar, but they should not be strangers in the wild mainland.
But Ji goblin soon guessed the identity of the two people and smiled slightly. "Over the years, I have heard about the wild Zongqin Xiao Shuangmo, and today I really liked it."
"The two Qin Xiao are really beautiful. My name is Yao Yan and I hope to consult again in the future."
Qiu Si, GuTong deep and remote two greeted her goblin, a moment.
Her goblin eyes finally fell on the wrath of the thunder emperor and whispered, "This is Murphy …"
Although she is in Lingxiao Palace, she has also heard of the name of wrath!
"In the windy days, I was once a man in the wild!"
Emperor Lei got up and smiled.
Wu Daozun said, "You should have heard of Brother Feng’s name in the wild mainland, and he is the emperor of thunder!"