


1. **减肥作用:**荷叶中含有多种生物碱,能有效分解体内脂肪,阻止脂肪吸收,从而帮助减肥。
2. **调节血脂:**荷叶茶能降低血清中的甘油三醇和胆固醇含量,具有调节血脂的保健作用。
3. **清暑利湿:**荷叶具有清暑利湿、升阳发散、祛瘀止血等作用,对多种病症均有一定疗效。
4. **扩张血管:**荷叶的浸剂和煎剂可扩张血管,清热解暑,有降血压的作用。
5. **利尿消肿:**荷叶有利尿、消肿的功效,可以减轻体内多余的水分。
6. **促进消化:**荷叶茶有助于消化,缓解油腻食物后的不适。
7. **镇静神经:**荷叶具有镇静神经的作用,有助于缓解焦虑和压力。



1. **孕妇和经期妇女:**荷叶性寒,孕妇和经期妇女不宜饮用,以免影响身体健康。
2. **体寒人群:**荷叶茶性寒,体寒人群不宜长期饮用,以免加重寒性。
3. **脾胃虚寒:**脾胃虚寒者不宜饮用荷叶茶,以免影响消化功能。
4. **控制饮用量:**荷叶茶不宜过量饮用,以免影响胃肠健康。
5. **饮用时间:**一般饮用时间避免超过一个月,长期饮用可能导致脾胃虚寒。


6. **泡茶方法:**建议将干荷叶冲洗干净后再泡,保证卫生;不要使用霉变的荷叶泡茶。
7. **搭配其他成分:**荷叶茶可与其他天然原料搭配,如决明子、乌龙茶等,中和荷叶的寒性。
8. **饮用时间:**饭前半小时内不宜饮用荷叶茶,以免影响食物消化;夜间睡眠时不宜饮用,以免影响睡眠质量。



1. **有效抗衰老**:黄瓜中富含维生素E和黄瓜酶,这些成分能够促进新陈代谢,抵抗衰老,舒展皱纹,对皮肤有很好的保养作用。

2. **预防酒精中毒**:黄瓜中的谷氨酰胺和精氨酸有助于肝脏的恢复,对预防酒精中毒有辅助作用,对肝脏疾病患者也有一定的保护作用。

3. **降低血糖**:黄瓜中的葡萄糖苷不参与人体糖代谢,适合糖尿病患者食用,有助于控制血糖水平。

4. **减肥强体**:黄瓜含有丰富的纤维素和丙醇二酸,有助于抑制糖类物质转化为脂肪,促进体内脂肪代谢,有助于减肥。

5. **提高免疫功能**:黄瓜中含有的葫芦素C具有提高人体免疫功能的作用,对预防肿瘤有一定帮助。

6. **清热利尿**:黄瓜性凉味甘,具有清热利尿、降火消暑的功效,适合在炎热的夏季食用。

7. **润肤养颜**:黄瓜中的黄瓜酶和维生素E等成分,对皮肤有良好的滋润和养护作用。

8. **辅助治疗慢性肝炎**:黄瓜中的某些成分对慢性肝炎有一定的辅助治疗作用。

9. **助消化**:黄瓜和鸡蛋都富含蛋白质和维生素,有助于消化,促进身体健康。


10. **经济实惠**:黄瓜鸡蛋汤制作简单,食材易得,是一种经济实惠的食疗方法。



1. **补中益气**:泥鳅含有丰富的蛋白质和微量元素,能够补中益气,增强人体免疫力。

2. **祛湿邪**:中医认为泥鳅有祛除湿邪的作用,适合体内湿气较重的人群食用。


3. **解渴醒酒**:泥鳅具有解渴醒酒的功效,适合饮酒过量后食用。

4. **祛毒除痔**:泥鳅有助于排毒和消除痔疮。

5. **消肿护肝**:泥鳅对肝脏有一定的保护作用,有助于消肿。


6. **治疗营养不良**:泥鳅与大蒜猛火煮熟可治疗营养不良引起的浮肿。

7. **治疗小儿盗汗**:泥鳅油煎至焦黄加水煮汤可治疗小儿盗汗。


8. **治疗湿热黄疸**:泥鳅炖豆腐可治疗湿热黄疸。

9. **改善性功能**:泥鳅含有的特殊蛋白质能促进精子形成,对调节性功能有较好的作用,有助于治疗阳痿不举。

10. **抗氧化,保护胰岛β细胞**:泥鳅中的脂肪含有类似EPA的不饱和脂肪酸,具有抗氧化作用,能够保护胰岛β细胞免受损害,适合糖尿病患者食用。

11. **滋阴清热**:泥鳅具有滋阴清热的功效,可改善糖尿病患者的多饮多尿、皮肤瘙痒等症状。

12. **增加皮肤弹性和湿润度**:泥鳅富含亚精胺,有助于促进人体胚胎细胞分裂和发育,延缓衰老,增加皮肤弹性和湿润度。

13. **优生优育**:泥鳅中的磷酸甘油酸变位酶能提高染色体的显性遗传,是优生优育的首选食物。

14. **辅助治疗贫血**:泥鳅含铁量高,对贫血疾病有很好的辅助疗效。

15. **维护心血管健康**:泥鳅中的不饱和脂肪酸有助于维护心血管健康。



### 益处:

1. **观赏价值**:凤仙花色彩艳丽,形态各异,是家庭和园林中常见的观赏植物。

2. **药用价值**:
– **祛风活血**:凤仙花能祛风活血,对风湿痛、经闭腹痛、产后瘀血等有缓解作用。
– **消肿止痛**:对于跌打损伤、肿胀疼痛,凤仙花有很好的消肿止痛效果。
– **解毒疗疮**:凤仙花全草可外用治疗痈肿、臁疮等。
– **抑菌作用**:现代研究表明,凤仙花煎剂、酊剂、水浸液对金黄色葡萄球菌、溶血性链球菌等有抑菌作用。

3. **生活妙用**:


– **灰指甲治疗**:用白凤仙花捣烂,加明矾敷在指甲上,对灰指甲有治疗作用。
– **染指甲**:凤仙花的花瓣捣碎后加大蒜汁调稠,可以染指甲。


– **烹饪**:凤仙花籽在烹饪硬肉时,能帮助肉质变软,因此被称为“离骨丹”。


### 妙用:

1. **治疗风湿痛**:凤仙花煎剂可用于治疗风湿性关节疼痛。
2. **治疗闭经**:凤仙花煎剂可用于治疗妇女闭经。
3. **治疗产后瘀血**:凤仙花煎剂可用于治疗产后瘀血不尽。
4. **治疗跌打损伤**:凤仙花捣烂外敷可治疗跌打损伤。
5. **治疗灰指甲**:白凤仙花捣烂加明矾敷在指甲上,对灰指甲有治疗作用。

### 注意事项:

– 孕妇忌服。
– 全草含有促癌物质,不建议长期食用。
– 草酸钙含量较高,有风湿症、关节炎、痛风、胃酸过多症、肾结石等病人不可多食。



1. **强大的抗氧化作用**:葡萄籽中富含的多酚类化合物、黄酮类化合物和原花青素等物质,都是强有力的抗氧化剂,能够清除体内的自由基,保护细胞免受氧化损伤,从而有助于预防心脏病、癌症、早衰等多种疾病。

2. **保护心脑血管**:葡萄籽中的成分有助于降低胆固醇,防止动脉硬化,预防脑溢血、中风、偏瘫等心脑血管疾病,并有助于维持毛细血管的渗透性,增强血管强度,减少脂肪肝的发生。

3. **美容护肤**:被誉为“皮肤维他命”和“口服化妆品”,葡萄籽可以保护皮肤中的胶原蛋白,改善皮肤弹性与光泽,美白保湿,祛斑,减少皱纹,增强皮肤抵抗力,防止皮肤过敏及各类皮肤病,并增强皮肤抗辐射能力。

4. **抗过敏作用**:葡萄籽可以抑制致敏因子组胺的释放,提高细胞对过敏源的耐受性,清除致敏自由基,抗炎、抗过敏,稳定皮肤血管组织,缓解荨麻疹、干革热、过敏性鼻炎等各种过敏症状。

5. **有助于大脑健康**:葡萄籽中的精华素具有极高的抗氧化作用,在大脑神经中形成保护膜,增强大脑活力,特别有利于大脑健康。


6. **降血脂和降血压**:葡萄籽中的不饱和脂肪酸有助于改善气滞血瘀,调节气血顺畅运行,对高血脂人群有益,也有助于防止心脑血管疾病。

7. **抗炎和抗肿瘤作用**:葡萄籽的抗氧化作用有助于减轻炎症反应,并可能具有一定的抗肿瘤作用。

8. **延缓衰老**:葡萄籽中的活性成分可以清除自由基,减缓细胞和组织的老化过程。



1. **利水渗湿**:茯苓具有促进体内多余水分排出的作用,对于治疗水肿、浮肿、尿少等症状有显著疗效。这主要归功于茯苓中含有的多种有效成分,如茯苓酸、茯苓多糖等。

2. **健脾益胃**:茯苓可以增强脾脏的消化功能,改善食欲不振、腹胀、泄泻等消化系统问题。这有助于调理脾胃虚弱,对于脾胃不和的病证有治疗作用。

3. **宁心安神**:茯苓具有镇静安神的作用,可以缓解焦虑、失眠、心悸等神经系统疾病症状。在中医中,常用于治疗心悸怔仲、失眠健忘等心经病症。

4. **清热利湿**:茯苓中的赤茯苓部分,能够清利湿热,对于湿热引起的病症如湿热黄疸、湿热泻痢等有治疗作用。


5. **消肿**:茯苓皮和赤茯苓均具有利水消肿的功效,适用于治疗因水湿停滞引起的浮肿。

6. **增强免疫力**:茯苓多糖等成分可以增强人体免疫力,提高抗病能力。

7. **抗氧化**:茯苓具有一定的抗氧化作用,可以帮助清除体内的自由基,延缓衰老。

8. **抗肿瘤**:现代研究表明,茯苓具有一定的抗肿瘤作用,可能对某些肿瘤细胞有抑制作用。



With the passage of time, I gradually cultivated to the third peak of condensate road condition before I stopped.

If you want to step into the realm of enlightenment and become a Buddha, it is not the source stone resources that you need, but the essence of enlightenment avenue.
Some people may spend their whole lives trying to break through this bottleneck and see the nature of Tao.
And some people may be coincidental, but they can achieve the Buddha once they realize it!
Su Mo’s heart seems to feel something. Open your eyes.
"Come so fast?"
In his perception, tens of thousands of monks are forming an army to surround this place.
Most of them are mysterious rats. Although they are transformed into human bodies, they are the most recognizable when they look at each other.
Although Su Mo’s own realm is the third change in the realm of Tao, the realm of Yuan God has reached the realm of Tao, and it is as great as the Buddha.
All other gods can see clearly in the future.
At the moment, all the people in Chaos Palace have not noticed it at all.
Xu Rui, Meng Shi and Chen Qianhe are closing their wounds.
Pan Mu, who seems simple and honest, walked around the door, feeling uneasy and acting a little strange. From time to time, looking into the distance seems to be quite anxious.
Chapter three thousand two hundred and forty Venerable Sir
Chaos palace
Xu Ruiyuan was closing his eyes to heal when suddenly his eyes opened and his face changed. He came together and whispered, "Chen Shimei, Meng Shaodi, Pan Shaodi, someone is coming!"
Chen Qianhe and Meng Shixin walked out of the cottage with a shock.
Pan Mu had been waiting outside the thatched cottage to see Xu Rui coming out and hurriedly greeted him. "It should be the Xuan Rat Gate!"
"How many people came?"
Meng Shi hurriedly asked
Xu Rui felt a dignified look and said, "I’m afraid there are tens of thousands of people."
Hearing this number, Chen Qianhe and Meng Shi both sank in their hearts.
I’m afraid this chaotic palace can’t escape this disaster!
"You all attack the enemy with the same door!"
Xu Rui Chang Xiao Yi
More than 3,000 people in Chaos Palace were awakened and hurriedly went out to gather around Xu Rui and looked at the distance.
At the moment, everyone can already feel the ground shaking slightly!
Everyone feels a heavy pressure in his heart.
"Brother Xu, this situation seems to me …"
Pan Mu frowned and hesitated.
Xu Rui focused on the nearby mountains, and the dark shadows emerged and asked 1 casually.
Pan Mu sighed, "Let’s drop it."
This sentence Pan Mu did not suppress the sound, and everyone was able to hear it clearly.
There were still some noisy people who were suddenly quiet.
Xu Rui, Meng Shi and Chen Qianhe suddenly turned their heads and looked at Pan Mu in disbelief.
Xu Rui repressed his anger and clenched his fists. Ask again.
"What did you say!"
Meng Shi’s temper is even hotter.
Pan Mu back two steps shook his head. "Brother Xu, you know in your heart that even if we insist on going, what can we do? How many people can these people live in the chaotic palace? In this case, you must be stubborn? "
"Down the xuan rat door to be a slave! Bah! "

I don’t want the number five in a row. It’s long gone

However, the four consecutive numbers are still very easy to operate, but Yang Guang’s five digits are not so brilliant except 321, and Qin Hai knows very well that this is not Yang Guang’s birthday, let alone the birthday dates of his parents and sister.
"No, that’s it. Thank you, Lord Qin. I’ll treat you to dinner."
So what does this number stand for?
It doesn’t mean that Yang Guang crossed the rebirth date, but that he won the Golden Finger Day on March 21st.
And the front ""can be seen as from.
Later, Qin Hai also said something about what happened after Yang Guang went to another world. It is also considered that the new rules promulgated by the government and fighters’ trade unions are not big with Yang Guang, but Yang Guang turned his attention to Yang Mei after hearing what the other party said.
"Elder brother, do you really buy a sports car? Then take me and pack to force me to fly." Yangmei stopped moving when Yang Guang was talking and stopped stuffing food into her mouth.
But listen with your ears open
"You’re a girl. Don’t say such a thing. It’s ugly." Yang Guang said casually that her sister knew the discretion.
In front of yourself, the so-called
"By the way, you won’t go to those martial arts schools after you meet, and the notice says that you can practice before you are underage."
Chapter two hundred and ninety-three Back to the Wushu Association
A meeting of the fighters’ trade union is a special discussion on this matter.
Because there are more and more nodes, the threat is getting bigger and bigger. Once alien creatures invade, the total number of Chinese fighters will definitely protect everyone
In order to avoid sacrifice, more people should have the ability to protect themselves, at least not with their hands tied.
Former China can develop itself gradually without deadly threat.
But now it’s different. Even the genocide crisis may come at any time.
Ten years ago, maybe.
It would be too bad to continue to develop blindly. The trade unions and the government decided to put some cultivation resources in a small scale and also expand the age range of cultivation.
In the past, it was said that it was better to develop more, and then it was better to practice, that is, about sixteen years old
However, at the age of twelve, you can even lay the foundation at a few years old.
Of course, the latter has to be conditional, at least it has to be the second generation of Wu, which means that the starting line is different, but a fast start does not mean that it is also fast to the finish line, but it is also an advantage.
In addition, Yang Guang said in another world that the similar chrysanthemum flower can give my sister a solid foundation, and at the same time, it is not necessary to refine the so-called Dan medicine.
Just swallow it. There is a military war to help you adjust your breath before you do it.
After all, Linghua is so medicinal that it is difficult for ordinary people to absorb it, which will lead to the loss of medicinal properties. Maybe it will lead to deficiency and damage the foundation.
"Really? After that, I can also protect my parents. "Yang Mei said with pride that Yang Guang was provocative." Don’t be worse than me then, but rest assured that my sister will protect Yang Guang’s brother. "
Yang Guang doesn’t care too much about Yang Mei’s whimsy from time to time.
On the contrary, he found it interesting.
"Yes, if you practice faster than I do, I can call you aunt." If Yang Mei can really surpass Yang Guang’s practice speed, wouldn’t it be a proof that she is the one?
At present, there must be many people who are more powerful than Yang Guang, but no one will exceed his cultivation speed. This is a fate BUG.
Even if Yangmei has one tenth of Yang Guang, it will be ridiculous.
Wouldn’t it be easy to achieve advanced fighters if Yangmei had enough talent and Yang Guang could limit his cultivation resources and didn’t have to risk his life to obtain some low-level spiritual objects?
After leaving the hotel, the two brothers and sisters went shopping in the big mall.
Sister chooses to buy and Yang Guang pays directly.
Of course, Yangmei also bought some gifts for Yang Guang by "borrowing flowers to offer Buddha". Even if the flowers are her own money, my sister can choose gifts for Yang Guang, which is naturally not extravagant but more intimate.
After all, Yangmei doesn’t have a specific concept of Yang Guang’s wealth.
At the same time, she is not the kind of vain girl.
Brother and sister didn’t go back until the evening.
But in fact, I don’t buy a lot of things. That girl just enjoys the shopping selection process.
In the evening, Yang Sandao and his wife came back and had dinner.
After seeing Yang Guang, there was not much surprise. After all, it was less than half a month before we met again, and it was not where will you go.
However, Yang Guang still asked a little lovingly after seeing her mother Dong Xuanyi’s calluses, "Sister Xuanyi, our family is not short of money. You are tired of doing everything carefully."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Just then, a shrill laugh came from behind the patriarch.
It’s not surprising that the patriarch didn’t look back.
There are no more than ten people who can see the flaw in his blind way in the hospital, including this one behind him
Not far away, Xuan Lao held his arms and said jokingly, "I didn’t expect you to have today!" "
"What a coincidence?"
Court patriarch turned around and looked at the nearby XuanLao asked with a smile.
"Hey, that’s not a coincidence."
Xuan old pie pie way "I’ve been waiting for you around here for a year! I don’t know you when others don’t know you? "
"If you see someone who can condense the tenth order in your wisdom order, you can’t stand it."
"I didn’t expect you to be able to endure it for a year before sneaking over. If you don’t come, I’ll leave."
He who sees through his worries has no embarrassment. He shook his head and smiled. "You are so idle."
"Hey hey!"
Xuan Lao smiled again. "You secretly ran over and didn’t say anything, but you also deliberately put up a smoke screen for fear that others would know."
"You obviously have no idea that you can’t pass the tenth order!"
The patriarch of Xuan Lao yuan has been in contact for many years, but the latter is intelligent and thoughtful. He has never seen the patriarch beaten.
Now, I’m very excited to finally catch the patriarch of the hospital making an embarrassment.
"Stop talking about me. Do you want to try?"
Courtyard patriarch asked with a smile
"I’m not trying!"
Xuan old turned supercilious look pie mouth way "one thousand even your wisdom order is not a shame? There is no way to catch my pigtails! "
Courtyard patriarch smiles.
"But then again"
Xuan Lao suddenly asked primly, "What is the will of the tenth order?"
The patriarch shook his head. "This kind of will is very brave and strong. There are unyielding struggles, fears and pleasures …"
"I’ve seen a Taoist heart, but I’ve never seen such a Taoist heart."
"Who cares?"
Xuan Lao said with the wave, "Anyway, a good seedling will wait for him to step into the true fairy, and we will see who can earn him."
"no problem"
The patriarch of the courtyard smiled and brushed his robe sleeve to prepare to leave.
"Why don’t you try again after failing once?"
Xuan old pick eyebrows urged asked.
"If you try again or fail, won’t you laugh at you again?"
Court patriarch sound to his body has disappeared.
At the same time, the smoke screen around the heart ladder also disappeared without leaving a trace.
The breeze blows a person by the stairway in the corridor.
I don’t know when Xuan Lao has left
Calm has been restored here.
A ninth-order fairy in a cave dwelling slowly opened her eyes and fell from the futon. It was Yang Rexu, the younger brother of the courtyard door.
Not far away stood a young child.
"Is it so short this time?"
Children at a side seem to make a pot of green tea to Yang Rexu.
"The bottleneck of cultivation is that it is difficult to make progress in closed penance."
Yang Rexu shook his head slightly and took the teacup and sniffed it deeply. Then he gulped down the hot tea.
It’s been a while since he achieved the ninth-order fairy.

Night spirit face a stuffy hum a body shaking.

Although he resisted this curse of killing God, his Yuan God still suffered some shocks.
His brilliant pupil has not yet been condensed, but his achievements have directly collapsed!
At the same time, the petrified eyes came!
Kaka, Kaka!
The night spirit is instantly covered with a layer of gray hard stones!
Not only has he turned to stone, but even his veins have gradually stopped to fossilize!
The night spirit’s body is shaking and crazy, which is fuelling qi and blood. This petrochemical confrontation is suffering great pain!
After all, this is a peerless avatar!
It is almost impossible for the night spirit to bear it completely!
The night spirit raised its head and burst into a painful growl deep in its throat!
His voice will be hoarse by petrochemical roar!
Fossilization doesn’t mean standing still.
If the night spirit fossilizes his flesh, it will completely destroy all the stones that have become dead and lifeless!
Even if he can escape, there is no blood to reshape the flesh.
The night spirit growled again, and I don’t know what the secret dharma body was running, but suddenly it burst into a purple and golden flame!
These purple-gold flames burned his petrochemical power.
The veins of the night spirit are working again!
The Ghost Witch Emperor’s eyes were slightly condensed and whispered, "It’s really desperate. This is the secret method of burning Shou Yuan!"
Finally, the night spirit completely broke free from the shackles of petrochemical eyes.
But his state is much weaker!
This secret method consumed him a lot of Shou Yuan!
The night spirit breaks free from the petrified eyes and will not hesitate to rush towards the dragon phoenix.
He hasn’t completely got rid of the crisis, but he is still thinking about Su Mo!
Just then, a huge hot sun came and slammed into the night spirit!
The night spirit was trapped by the petrified eye, and the Sun Fire Emperor had already made moves.
The peerless avatar, the sun!
Sacrifice this peerless avatar, the Sun Fire Emperor. The whole person incarnates into a round of scorching sun, emitting hot power and burning thousands of people in a thousand miles!
The night spirit burns Shou Yuan to break free from the bondage of petrified eyes and not resist being directly hit by this hot sun!
The night spirit is still in the middle of the body, and the scales are already falling off.
The night spirit’s eyes were dim and exhaled blood. Without our armor’s protection, the night spirit was burned and cracked everywhere!
The blood just flowed out and was incinerated by the sun!
The night spirit failed to help Long Huang, and his life was hanging by a thread!
"Night Spirit!"
On the other side, Su Mo was also worried when he saw this scene.
However, with his superhuman powers and endless battles with the emperors of the nine fierce families, he can barely guarantee the unbeaten roots and rush out of the nine fierce emperors to stop him!
Su Mo was a little distracted, and the nine fierce families seized the opportunity to offer peerless magical powers one after another to form a stormy offensive.