

1. **补中益气**:菠萝蜜核富含蛋白质、脂肪、天然多糖、维生素及多种氨基酸,能够补中益气,适宜于肤色不光滑、失去红润,以及身体虚弱的人群。

2. **抗氧化作用**:菠萝蜜核含有维生素C和多酚类化合物等抗氧化剂,能够中和自由基,减少氧化应激对身体的损害,有助于预防慢性疾病,如心脏病、癌症和糖尿病。

3. **消炎止痛**:菠萝蜜核中含有的溴酚酸具有抗炎和镇痛的作用,可以减轻炎症反应,缓解关节炎和其他炎症性疾病的症状。

4. **改善消化系统**:菠萝蜜核富含纤维,有助于促进消化系统的正常运作,增加粪便体积,促进肠道蠕动,预防便秘。此外,其中的酶也有助于消化食物,减少胃肠道不适。

5. **促进心脏健康**:菠萝蜜核中的维生素C和钾有助于维持心脏健康,降低血液中的胆固醇水平,预防动脉硬化和心血管疾病,同时调节血压,降低心脏病发作的风险。

6. **增强免疫力**:菠萝蜜核中的维生素C和其他抗氧化物质有助于增强免疫系统的功能,提高白细胞的活性,增加抵抗病毒和细菌感染的能力。

7. **促进骨骼健康**:菠萝蜜核富含矿物质如钙、镁和锰,对骨骼健康至关重要。

8. **滋补强壮身体**:菠萝蜜核含有丰富的淀粉、脂肪和蛋白质,能促进人体代谢,维持身体各器官正常功能,缓解身体虚弱。

9. **促进乳汁分泌**:对于产后乳汁不足的女性,菠萝蜜核能益气通乳,改善乳汁质量。

10. **减肥瘦身**:菠萝蜜核低热量,含有大量碳水化合物和水溶性纤维,既能增加饱腹感,又能抑制热量吸收,防止脂肪堆积,有助于减肥瘦身。



1. **抗氧化作用**:信阳毛尖茶富含茶多酚、儿茶素等抗氧化物质,可以有效清除体内的自由基,减缓细胞老化,增强身体免疫力。

2. **提神醒脑**:茶叶中的咖啡因和氨基酸可以提神醒脑,提高工作效率,减少疲劳感。

3. **降低血压和血脂**:信阳毛尖茶中的茶多酚和咖啡碱有助于扩张血管,降低血压,同时促进脂肪代谢,降低血脂。

4. **清热解毒**:在炎热的夏季,信阳毛尖茶具有清热解毒、去火生津的功效,能帮助人们度过清凉的夏日。

5. **改善睡眠质量**:信阳毛尖茶中的氨基酸和微量元素有助于改善睡眠,对于失眠者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

6. **抗菌消炎**:信阳毛尖茶含有多种天然抗菌物质,如咖啡碱、儿茶素等,可以有效预防感染和消炎。

7. **保护肝脏**:信阳毛尖茶有助于预防脂肪肝,对肝脏有保护作用。

8. **缓解压力**:茶叶中的氨基酸和微量元素有助于缓解压力,带来放松和平静的感觉。


9. **增强抵抗力**:信阳毛尖茶中的茶多酚和儿茶素能提高人体的免疫力,预防感冒等疾病。

10. **促进新陈代谢**:茶叶中的生物碱和微量元素可以促进新陈代谢,帮助消化。



1. **清热解毒**:绿豆本身具有清热解毒的功效,尤其是在炎热的夏季,绿豆饼能够帮助调节体温,解暑降温。


2. **健脾养胃**:绿豆与糯米粉结合,能够起到健脾的作用,有助于改善消化功能,对于脾胃虚弱的人群尤为适宜。

3. **祛湿利水**:绿豆还具有祛湿的作用,与莲子、银耳等食材搭配,可以更好地清除体内湿气,对于体内湿气较重的人有益。

4. **营养补充**:绿豆饼含有蛋白质、维生素、矿物质和纤维等营养成分。绿豆中的蛋白质含量高,且主要为球蛋白,有助于补充人体所需的营养。

5. **降脂作用**:绿豆中的皂苷成分有助于降低血脂和胆固醇,对于预防心血管疾病有一定的积极作用。

6. **增强免疫力**:绿豆中的有机锗成分可以增强免疫功能,有助于提高身体的抵抗力。

7. **消暑止渴**:绿豆饼有助于消暑止渴,适合夏季食用,能够带来清凉感。


8. **辅助治疗**:绿豆饼中含有的成分对于某些疾病如中暑、痈疽、痘毒、热痢、口腔溃疡等有一定的辅助治疗作用。




1. **补血养肝**:猪肝含有丰富的铁质,是天然的补血食品。铁是人体合成血红蛋白的重要成分,经常食用猪肝汤可以预防和改善贫血症状。

2. **明目**:猪肝中含有丰富的维生素A,这对于维持正常的视力非常重要,能有效预防和治疗夜盲症,缓解眼睛疲劳,保护眼睛健康。

3. **增强免疫力**:猪肝中含有的维生素C和微量元素硒能够增强人体的免疫反应,抗氧化,防止衰老,并抑制肿瘤细胞的产生。


4. **促进生长发育**:猪肝中含有的维生素E有助于维持正常的生长和生殖机能,对促进儿童和青少年的生长发育有益。

5. **解毒作用**:猪肝作为动物肝脏,具有天然的解毒功能,其中含有的解毒酶有助于身体排除毒素。



6. **增强肌体抗病能力**:猪肝中的营养成分全面,有助于增强体质,提高人体对疾病的抵抗力。

7. **促进新陈代谢**:猪肝中的矿物质和维生素有助于促进人体新陈代谢,有助于维持身体健康。

8. **清洁皮肤**:猪肝中的营养成分对皮肤有良好的滋养作用,有助于改善皮肤状况,预防皮肤问题。

9. **滋阴壮阳**:中医认为猪肝具有滋阴壮阳的作用,适合肝肾亏虚、精力不足、头晕眼花、视力减退、须发早白等症状的人群食用。




1. **滋阴养胃**:海带味咸、性寒,具有清热的作用,归胃经,适用于清胃热。老鸭味甘,性寒,能清热,归脾、胃经,有补虚益气、养胃生津的功效。因此,海带鸭汤对滋阴养胃、缓解热病伤阴、食欲不振等症状有积极作用。

2. **利水消肿**:海带性寒,归肾经,具有清热利水的功效。老鸭味甘,性寒,归肾经,能淡渗利水以消肿,又能清泄湿热以通淋。因此,海带鸭汤对于缓解水肿、小便不利等症状有帮助。

3. **降低血压和血脂**:海带含有丰富的海带氨酸、钾盐、钙元素等,这些成分可以降低人体对胆固醇的吸收,达到降低血压的效果。同时,海带中的不饱和脂肪酸和食物纤维也有助于降低血脂。

4. **提高免疫力**:海带鸭汤中含有丰富的蛋白质和人体必需的氨基酸,这些成分能够促进机体的细胞免疫,从而提高免疫力。

5. **补肾壮阳**:老鸭的营养价值高,民间常用其来补肾壮阳,对于需要增强体质、改善性功能的人来说,海带鸭汤是一个不错的选择。

6. **除痰健肺、解毒消肿**:海带老鸭汤具有除痰健肺、解毒消肿的食疗作用,对于咳嗽、痰多、水肿等症状有一定的缓解作用。

7. **营养补充**:海带鸭汤中的鸭肉含有丰富的蛋白质、脂肪、维生素B1、维生素B2、尼克酸、碳水化合物、铁、钙、磷、钠、钾等营养成分,能够为身体提供全面的营养。



### 益处:

1. **活血止痛**:延胡索能够活血化瘀,对于治疗由气滞血瘀引起的各种疼痛,如风湿痹痛、跌打损伤、胸肋痛、腹痛、痛经等有显著效果。

2. **镇静催眠**:延胡索具有镇静作用,适用于失眠患者,有助于改善睡眠质量。

3. **保护心脏**:延胡索可以增强心肌耐缺氧的能力,有效抗心肌缺血,对于心血管疾病有一定的缓解作用。

4. **降血压**:延胡索能够扩张外周血管,起到降血压的作用。

5. **抗溃疡**:延胡索能够抑制胃液的分泌,对于预防和抑制胃肠溃疡有积极作用。


6. **抗疲劳和增强免疫力**:延胡索具有强壮和抗疲劳的作用,还能增强机体的抗病能力。

7. **促进蛋白质合成**:延胡索在促进蛋白质合成方面也有一定的作用。


### 影响:

1. **副作用**:虽然延胡索在中医临床上应用广泛,但过量使用可能会引起一些副作用,如恶心、呕吐、头晕等。

2. **禁忌人群**:孕妇、哺乳期妇女、心脏病患者、高血压患者等应在医生指导下使用延胡索。

3. **药物相互作用**:延胡索与某些药物(如镇静剂、抗凝血药物等)可能存在相互作用,使用前应咨询医生。

4. **安全性**:与吗啡等强效止痛药相比,延胡索虽然止痛效果较弱,但不会形成成瘾性,使用较为安全。


Isn’t that it?

"I’m just looking around."
Chapter four hundred and fifty-four An alchemist assessment
Yang guang said she was looking around, but it wasn’t.
He mainly looks at the places where there are a lot of Lingqi flowers and Lingcao in Lingqi and Lingdan areas.
After looking back and forth, I also asked the corresponding price.
The price is very high, and the things are just so-so.
For example, there is a Dan medicine that belongs to the category of primary Dan medicine, that is, medium, but it is more than twice as expensive as Dan medicine, and it is still in short supply.
Lingqi is almost similar.
But Yang Guang also found that the prices of those spiritual objects are really low, especially in large quantities.
Many of them are planted, even if the effect is not as good as wild ones, but they are better than more!
Many small pharmacies get their goods from Lingbaoge at low prices.
Take quality as well as wholesale
More importantly, Lingbao Pavilion is similar to a large chain shopping mall rather than Xikang City.
Not only that, they not only sell but also recycle all kinds of things at high prices.
Yang guang thought of making money.
The difference between the magic weapon and the Dan medicine weapon needed by the fighters world is not so much the name, but it is not, but it is too exaggerated to completely change the structure and effect of the department.
Then Yang Guang looked and bought some spiritual metal ore.
But even if there is more, there are not many lingshi, and there are a lot of phlogistic minerals in their own things.
No, no!
"Is this the alchemist association?" Yang guang got the answer according to asking others.
I went to my destination.
Because there is an alchemist’s fire room in a place like this, you have to go to the refiners’ association.
Do not belong to each other
This is what the alchemists’ association can do in refining pills, and it doesn’t cost anything to prove that it owns an alchemist.
This place belongs to the alchemist’s site, and no one dares to fool around.
"An alchemist’s Association idle people enter, please stay." Yang Guang intended to enter it and was stopped by the guard at the door, but the tone was quite polite.
In that if if there is a superior mentality, Yang Guang did not care.
"I am an alchemist. Can’t I enter?"
After the other party heard Yang Guang’s words, his face quickly showed a respectful look.
"Please show me some badges of the alchemist so that you can enter them." When he saw Yang Guang’s younger age, he thought he should be a native passing by.
In the face of such people, you will be advised for a while, but if you have to talk to them, don’t blame them for being impolite.
But now the guards listen to each other. That should be an alchemist.
Both the official alchemist and the alchemist apprentice are noble people, and these guards can’t afford to offend them.

Su Mo’s heart trembled faintly and gave birth to a little uneasiness. He quickly stepped forward to the peach tree and said, "Don’t you recognize me, Butterfly Moon?"

"I want to know you?"
Blood robe woman stared at Sue ink for a while shook her head and said
Su Mo doesn’t think it’s like his joke when he sees the butterfly moon. He can’t help but flash his body and his face is transient than pale!
What that evil emperor had said came to his mind.
"She is a new life in the world, not a rebirth."
"The so-called new life means erasing all traces of this life."
"Being born in the world, she may become one of the ten thousand families and forget everything in this life, including you."
After all, the evil emperor was right.
Two people meet again but don’t know each other.
Su Mo has a pain in his heart.
Just now, joy has also been washed away a lot.
Just then, the blood robe woman added, "And my name is not Butterfly Moon. My name is Su Butterfly."
Su Mo paused and asked, "Why are you surnamed Su? Who named you?"
"I’ll take it myself."
The blood robe woman’s eyes flashed with a proud way, "I was raised by a group of butterflies. The first word I spoke was Sue, and the first word I recognized was Sue."
"I guess I must have been a great person in my previous life. Sue is so important to me that it should be my last name …"
Blood robe female words didn’t say that finish only to see Sue ink eyes red is in tears.
I almost forgot everything in my previous life and forgot myself.
But I didn’t forget him.
Peach blood robe woman looked at the face has been crying out of shape Su Mo felt a twinge of love in her heart.
The woman in blood robe closed her eyes and was silent for a long time. Suddenly, she floated to Su Mo and asked softly, "What’s your name?"
"My name is Su Mo"
Sue ink cry red eyes light replied
Blood robe female seemingly random should be a.
Su Mo wiped away her tears and took a deep breath. "Miss Butterfly, I want to tell you a story. Would you like to hear it?"
"That depends on whether you speak well or not."
Blood robe woman smiled.
Su Mo nodded as much as possible to calm his mind and reveal memories. "There is a small town named Pingyang Town in the wild mainland."
"A student in a small town owns a house of his own and a peach tree like this is planted in the courtyard."
As he spoke, Su Mo pointed to the peach tree beside him.
Anyway, Butterfly Moon remembers something after all.
If not, these peach trees would not be planted near her residence.
Su Mo believed that Pingyang Town was still deeply impressed by Butterfly Moon during that time.
He hopes to awaken the memory of Butterfly Moon’s past life.
Su Mo went on to say, "Birthdays are ordinary, that is, reading and writing, until one day he went out and met a red-robed woman who was seriously injured and unconscious and saved her …"
Su Mo left him three gifts when they first met Butterfly Moon, and then he kept practicing and chasing Butterfly Moon’s footsteps and came to the middle world. They finally met …

Two people are almost at the same time.

Although the monkey king lost his cave and was hit hard, his body almost collapsed, but his eyesight was still in the right time, which was perfect!
The monkey killed the horse monkey king in front of him. He can tilt his head slightly if he doesn’t dodge.
Qiang Qiang!
This stick hit the monkey on the shoulder with a loud noise!
This kind of sound is a bit weird, not like hitting flesh and blood, but like hitting a hard rock!
The monkey king’s long stick bounced high with his arms shaking, but he couldn’t hold his hands properly, and his eyes were numb with horror.
The monkey was also beaten with a staggering pain, but his eyes were full of excitement!
Long hair on his shoulders was beaten to reveal rough skin that was almost petrified inside.
The stick really hurt him, but it didn’t hurt his bones.
The yin and yang eyes released before are inherited by the blood of the red horse monkey.
Just now, this secret law of petrified flesh and blood was inherited from Lingshi Monkey!
Of course, it’s mainly because of the loss of the cave and the serious loss of qi and blood, and the strength is weak.
Otherwise, the monkey from this stick will not dare to carry it physically.
He did accept the strongest bloodline of the four apes, but he has not finished absorbing, digesting and practicing to Dacheng.
"Hey hey!"
The monkey turned around and grinned at the king of the Equus, and rushed forward with a surge of blood, swinging a long stick and killing him greatly!
A thousand feet of spirit of war followed, and it was a few sticks that hit the monkey king, and he couldn’t support being beaten to pieces and lying dead on the spot!
There’s one king of the Macaque family left.
The monkey’s eyes of yin and yang patrol around and found no abnormality.
But his four ears moved gently, and he seemed to catch something. His toe was very clever and he came to a pile of bones in an instant.
See the monkey reaching out with a big hand and piercing this pile of bones directly from the inside to catch the last ordinary king of the Macaque family!
The monkey laughed with one hand holding the man’s throat and waving a long stick with the other, and directly broke the crown of the horse monkey king, Yuan Shen, and died on the spot!
It was a very short chase, and it was crisp and neat, without any sloppiness.
This kind of leapfrog war also proves nothing.
After all, the fighting power of eleven horse monkey kings has been wasted by Su Mo.
However, it’s amazing that monkeys have just manifested many means!
At the end of Dengtian Road, the Red Sea Monkey King was suppressed by five small caves in Su Mo. Six people were shocked when they noticed this scene!
What did you just see?
This blood ape family has continuously released the blood monkey with one arm, the red horse monkey, the liu er macaque and the Lingshi monkey in just ten breaths.
How is that possible?
What scares them even more is that their cultivation realm is far away from this real monkey.
But when monkeys release their qi and blood, they have an impulse to worship!
This seems to be a kind of imprint from the depths of soul and blood, which is hard to resist.
They look at the monkey with a feeling of facing the person!
"Something’s wrong!"
The Red Sea Monkey King is not shocked but feels a kind of horror and fear!
At present, five small caves have made his scalp numb.
What about the monkey that just jumped out?
The Monkey King of the Red Sea can no longer ignore his face and growl for an instant, and then he will urge the blood to the limit and release the blood vision to cooperate with the land of the Red Sea to escape from here.
"Can you escape?"
Detect the intention of Red Sea Monkey King Su Mo light said
He just noticed that most of the time he put it on the monkey and worried about what happened to him, but he didn’t make any effort.
Now, seeing the Red Sea Monkey King trying to escape, the five small caves of the Yuan God spewed out all the runes, dazzling as the turbulent tide overturned!
Dzogchen, the Monkey King of Mad, couldn’t support the instant collapse.
The figure of that four peerless kings were also submerge by the Taoist runes emanating from the five caves, and the flesh and bones were obliterate to dust with a sad howl!

The whole process is like a broken arm.

"You and I have cultivated to this level. Look at the group of creatures outside at this height …"
Nine immortals pointed to the distance and looked as if they covered the whole heaven. "In fact, in your eyes and mine, they are like ants. You don’t need to care."
"Even those outside the hall are actually just bigger ants."
"I don’t want to be your enemy."
Nine immortals smiled and said, "You and them seem to have some grievances to show their sincerity. How about I hand them over to you for disposal?"
Chapter three thousand one hundred and thirty-six God Xiao body meteorite
There are four guards outside, and three of them are strong emperors!
But in the eyes of the buried emperor, these powerful emperors are also bigger ants
Even if the three emperors have already submitted to the Nine Immortals, they don’t care about their life and death, so they can be sent out to Wu Daozun.
Actually, a few people, regardless of whether the Nine Immortals pay or not, will be killed!
Emperor Xiandi’s move is not to accommodate others.
"You guys come in."
Before budo statue speaks, the immortal emperor Yang said
Outside the Shenxiao Hall
God’s immortal emperor, Dan’s immortal emperor, and Lang’s immortal emperor have been waiting for a long time. Now, when they hear the words of God’s immortal emperor, they are overjoyed and hurry to the God’s immortal hall.
Qingyang Xianwang swallowed saliva and followed the three Xiandi in lockstep.
If in peacetime, he has no chance to come into contact with the Nine Immortals.
Now it’s just the opportunity for the three immortals to meet the Nine Immortals, and they can also get acquainted with each other in front of the Nine Immortals.
The three immortals of Shenxiao, Langxiao, and Danxiao stepped into Shenxiao Hall and looked up and looked stunned.
The one opposite the Nine Immortals is neither the Six Brahms nor the extinct Mundus.
But a purple friar in a sil mask.
This outfit …
Almost at the same time, three immortals thought of one person!
Huang Wudi!
The three immortals felt a shock.
The Emperor Wu of the Wilderness actually came to heaven and the Nine Immortals stayed in the hall for so long!
The three immortals can vaguely feel that the Nine Immortals and the Emperor Wu of the Wilderness seem not to be in harmony.
Just now, they kept outside the hall, and they could still detect the overflow from the hall.
The more so, the more calm the three immortals are.
Look at this posture. The Nine Immortals are able to stand up to the terrible strong!
This also proves that they chose the right thing at the beginning, the first minister, the Nine Immortals.
God Xiao Xian Di andao was lucky.
Fortunately, he made preparations to seek asylum here in the Nine Immortals.
Otherwise, the wind and the remnants of the day are menacing, and the Emperor Wu will come forward. I’m afraid it’s hard for him to survive this robbery!
"Meet the Lord"
The three immortals fell on their knees and prostrated themselves.
Normally, the strong roots with the emperor don’t have to do this gift.
Even in the face of the emperor and the strong, it doesn’t have to be like this
But in the past few years, even the immortal emperor has to bow down before him by means of terror!
Qingyang Xianwang also hurriedly followed his knees.
"Get up."
Nine immortals smiled.
The three immortals and Qingyang Xianwang got up.
"Presumably this is the Emperor Wu of the Wilderness."
God Xiao Xiandi looked at Wu Daozun and said, "No wonder the remnant wind dares to go to my fairy land to kill so recklessly."
"There’s one thing you may not know about Emperor Wudi."
"Now I’m not in charge of the fairy land, and now the fairy land is ruled by the Lord!"
The words of the immortal emperor of the nine heavens seem to be questioning that Wudao Zun is actually expressing his position and moving out the immortal emperor of the nine heavens at the same time.
Wu Daozun didn’t say anything and didn’t take a look at the immortal emperor.