




1. 配方组成


2. 制法


3. 用法




1. 疖疮、痈肿:皮肤出现红肿、疼痛、化脓等症状。

2. 痤疮:面部、背部等部位出现红色丘疹、脓疱等症状。

3. 脂溢性皮炎:头皮、面部、胸部等部位出现油腻性红斑、瘙痒等症状。

4. 药物性皮炎:因药物过敏引起的皮肤炎症。

1. 使用本配方前,请先咨询专业医生,确保适合自身病情。

2. 使用过程中,若出现过敏反应,应立即停药,并寻求医生帮助。

3. 孕妇、哺乳期妇女、儿童及皮肤破损者慎用。

4. 本配方仅供参考,具体用药请遵医嘱。



1. **能量供应**:红毛丹含有较高的碳水化合物,能够为人体提供快速且持久的能量,对于需要长时间集中精力学习的考生来说,适量的红毛丹可以补充能量,帮助维持学习效率。

2. **促进消化**:红毛丹中富含膳食纤维,有助于肠道健康,促进消化,防止便秘,对于长时间坐在书桌前的考生来说,有助于保持良好的消化系统功能。

3. **视力保护**:红毛丹含有丰富的维生素A,对保护视力非常重要,长时间阅读和面对电子屏幕的考生可以通过食用红毛丹来减少视疲劳。

4. **代谢与记忆**:B族维生素是红毛丹中的另一个重要成分,对能量代谢和大脑健康至关重要,它们能帮助考生在学习时保持精力充沛,并有助于提高记忆力和注意力。

5. **免疫力提升**:红毛丹中的维生素C能够增强免疫力,帮助考生在备考期间抵御疾病,同时促进铁的吸收,增强大脑的认知功能和学习效果。

6. **养颜护肤**:红毛丹中的多种维生素和矿物质有助于润肤养颜,增强皮肤弹性,对于爱美人士来说,是很好的天然护肤品。

7. **清热解毒**:红毛丹味苦,有清热解毒的功效,适合容易上火的人群食用,有助于清理体内毒素,增进健康。

8. **补充体力**:红毛丹含有较高的热量和铁质,能有效增强人体对疾病的抵抗力,补充体力,改善贫血、头晕、低血压等症状。


9. **抗氧化与视力增强**:红毛丹中的抗氧化成分有助于清除体内的氧自由基,延缓衰老,同时含有维生素A,有助于增强视力。



1. **补充营养**:菠萝干含有丰富的维生素、矿物质和膳食纤维,如维生素C、维生素A、钾、镁等,适量食用有助于补充日常所需营养,增强体质。

2. **美容养颜**:菠萝干中的维生素C和维生素E有助于修复受损细胞,促进皮肤新陈代谢,对美容养颜有一定帮助。

3. **促进消化**:菠萝干中含有菠萝蛋白酶,这种酶能够分解食物中的蛋白质,增加肠胃蠕动,有助于改善消化系统功能。

4. **利尿消肿**:菠萝干具有一定的利尿作用,可以减轻身体水肿。

5. **增强免疫力**:菠萝干中的维生素C含量丰富,能够增强免疫系统,减少疾病风险。


6. **预防疾病**:菠萝干中的多种营养成分和抗氧化物质有助于预防多种疾病,如心血管疾病、癌症等。

7. **控制体重**:菠萝干低脂低热量,适合作为健康零食,有助于控制体重。

8. **预防关节炎**:菠萝中的菠萝蛋白酶有助于减少肌肉和关节炎症,对关节炎患者有一定缓解作用。

9. **保护眼睛健康**:菠萝中的β-胡萝卜素有助于延缓老年性白内障,对眼睛健康有益。

10. **改善过敏症状**:菠萝干中的菠萝蛋白酶有助于缓解鼻窦炎症,对过敏症状有一定的控制作用。




1. **高蛋白质**:鲍鱼含有高质量的蛋白质,对于维持和修复身体组织、增强免疫力具有重要作用。

2. **丰富的矿物质**:鲍鱼含有丰富的矿物质,如钙、铁、碘等,这些元素对骨骼健康、血液生成和甲状腺功能至关重要。

3. **维生素**:鲍鱼中包含多种维生素,如维生素A、B1、B2和维生素E,这些维生素对于维持视力、神经系统健康和抗氧化具有重要作用。

4. **鲍素**:鲍鱼肉中含有一种称为鲍素的成分,这种成分能够破坏癌细胞所需的代谢物质,具有一定的抗癌功效。


5. **滋阴补养**:鲍鱼具有滋阴补养的功效,能够调整肾上腺分泌,对血压有双向调节作用,适合用于调节血压。


6. **调经润燥**:对于女性来说,鲍鱼有调经和润燥利肠的功效,可以帮助治疗和缓解月经不调和大便秘结等问题。

7. **健脑益智**:鲍鱼含钙量较高,钙是脑代谢不可或缺的重要物质,有助于健脑。

8. **护发养颜**:鲍鱼中的蛋白质和氨基酸有助于头发的生长和健康,同时也有助于皮肤的美观。

9. **补血益气**:鲍鱼适宜肤色不佳、手脚冰冷的人群食用,有助于改善这些症状。

10. **促进生长发育**:鲍鱼中的氨基酸含量丰富,有助于婴儿和青少年的生长发育。

11. **抗氧化**:鲍鱼中的抗氧化成分有助于预防衰老,增强机体免疫力。




1. **养阴润燥**:银耳含有丰富的天然植物性胶质,能养阴清热,润燥,特别适合干燥季节食用。

2. **补血养颜**:红枣是补气血的佳品,含有丰富的维生素C和环磷酸腺苷,能促进血液循环,使皮肤红润有光泽,并且有助于淡化色斑。

3. **增强免疫力**:红枣中的营养成分有助于提高人体免疫力,促进白细胞的生成,增强身体抵抗力。

4. **抗衰老**:花生中的维生素E和脑磷脂有助于抗衰老,保持大脑活力,增强记忆力。


5. **润肺止咳**:银耳具有润肺止咳的功效,适合干燥或咳嗽时饮用。

6. **保护肝脏**:红枣中的营养成分能保护肝脏,降低血清胆固醇,提高血清白蛋白。


7. **补钙补铁**:红枣、花生中含有的钙和铁对防治骨质疏松和贫血有重要作用。

8. **滋血通乳**:花生含有丰富的蛋白质和脂肪,对于哺乳期的女性,食用花生可以起到滋血通乳的效果。

9. **安眠健胃**:银耳和红枣都有助于安眠和健胃,对于消化不良和睡眠质量不佳的人有改善作用。

10. **润肤美容**:银耳中的胶质和红枣的补血作用,共同作用于皮肤,有助于美容润肤。



1. **抗氧化作用**:柿子富含维生素C、维生素E和类胡萝卜素等抗氧化物质,能有效抵抗自由基对人体的损害,减缓细胞老化速度,保护细胞健康,减少慢性疾病的发生。

2. **预防心血管疾病**:柿子中的可溶性纤维有助于降低胆固醇水平,维护心血管系统的健康。同时,柿子还含有降低血压的化合物,有助于预防高血压和心血管疾病。

3. **改善消化系统健康**:柿子中的鞣酸可以保护胃黏膜,预防胃炎和胃溃疡。此外,柿子还含有促进肠道蠕动的纤维,有助于改善便秘问题。

4. **增强免疫力**:柿子中的维生素A和维生素B族等营养物质有助于增强免疫力,提高身体对各种疾病的抵抗力,并维护免疫系统的健康。


5. **药用价值**:中医认为,柿子味甘、涩,性寒,归肺经,具有健脾涩肠、清热润肺、生津止渴、解毒等功效。柿子及其制品(如柿饼、柿霜、柿蒂、柿叶)均可入药,用于治疗多种病症。

6. **润肺养肺**:柿子具有润肺养肺的作用,尤其在秋冬季干燥的天气中,多吃柿子能有效缓解口干舌燥,保护肺部健康。

7. **促进血液循环**:柿子中的维生素有助于清理血管,预防中老年人群血液黏稠,预防动脉粥样硬化的产生,维护血管健康。

8. **补血**:柿子含有丰富的铁质,对于缺铁性贫血患者有很好的补血效果,同时也能帮助女性在月经结束后补充气血,改善面色。

– **不宜空腹食用**:柿子含有较多的果酸,空腹食用可能引起胃酸过多,形成硬块,导致胃痛或消化不良。
– **注意适量**:过量食用柿子可能导致胃柿石,影响消化系统。



### 山药红豆汤的保健益处:

1. **改善气血不足**:山药具有补脾养胃、益肺止咳的功效,而红豆则含有丰富的铁质,可以促进血液循环,改善气血不足的症状,对于女性生理期的贫血症状有明显的改善作用。

2. **美容养颜**:山药中的黏蛋白和红豆中的铁质,都能帮助皮肤保持弹性,减少皱纹,从而达到美容养颜的效果。


3. **调节肠胃功能**:山药和红豆都含有膳食纤维,可以促进肠道蠕动,帮助消化,预防便秘,改善肠胃功能。


4. **降血压和预防动脉硬化**:红豆含有丰富的赖氨酸,有助于降低血压和预防动脉硬化。

5. **清热解毒**:山药和红豆都具有清热解毒的作用,可以帮助身体排除毒素,增强免疫力。

6. **缓解痛经**:红豆中的铁质和山药的补血作用,有助于缓解女性痛经。

7. **利尿消肿**:山药和红豆都有利尿消肿的功效,对于水肿症状有很好的食疗作用。

8. **调节血糖**:山药中含有一种叫做山药多糖的物质,有助于调节血糖水平。

9. **增强体力**:山药和红豆都含有丰富的营养素,如蛋白质、矿物质等,可以增强体力。


### 制作山药红豆汤的小贴士:

– 红豆提前浸泡可以缩短煮制时间,使其更容易煮烂。
– 山药切块后最好先浸泡在水中,以防氧化变黑。
– 红糖的添加可以根据个人口味来调整,也可以选择其他甜味剂。
– 红豆和山药的配比可以根据个人喜好来调整,但通常红豆的量要多于山药。


One is my brother, and the other is the law enforcement elder!

On the sword platform is polished by a whole boulder, which is big enough for two people to exert their magical powers at will.
"How many rounds can Elder Teng win?"
"This is not necessarily because Elder Teng wants to win several rounds. If Elder Teng wants to win the first round quickly and release the peerless avatar, Su Mo will lose."
"Cats and mice won’t kill you directly. I guess Elder Teng will play with this person on the sword platform for a while."
The monks around are talking about Su Mo and Teng, both of whom have been on the sword platform.
Teng elders looked at Su Mo’s compulsively excited heart and said with a smile, "In fact, I am hello! I’ll teach you a lesson in the hospital. You can save your life. "
"If you were so arrogant outside the courtyard, you would have died!"
Su Mo ignored Elder Teng but looked in the direction of Yang Ruoxu and Pang Yu and asked, "Is it okay to talk about swords?"
"You can board the sword platform at any time!"
Elder Teng laughed.
He laughed and didn’t fall into sight. Su Mo suddenly disappeared!
"Look out!"
For a moment, Pang Yu’s warning sound suddenly exploded in his ear!
At this moment, his heart seemed to stop beating!
Elder Teng will come or not to think about Su Mo’s sudden disappearance. He urged Yuan Shen to pinch out the magic formula with his hands and want to burst into a peerless avatar!
He also wanted to have some reservations.
But at this moment he wants to save his life!
Even if Pang Yu wakes up, he loses the initiative.
Su Mo’s dragon’s nine flashes directly broke through the distance of ten feet, like a teleport, and fell on his side with a slap in the middle of the back!
The flesh and blood burst into blood and fog!
Chapter two thousand one hundred and seventy-three Hit you in despair
Elder Teng is a first-order fairy, but his flesh is no match for violet’s real body.
Ten natural violet and thunder forge bones, even if you don’t move the slightest blood force, you can hard shake the natural magic weapon!
Elder Teng’s flesh and blood can’t bear to be torn apart by Su Mo’s hand after melee!
Of course, Sumo Yuan God can also release peerless magical powers.
But it’s not necessary
He will get rid of Elder Teng in the simplest and most direct way, and will not delay with him.
As he said at first, if he moves, Elder Teng doesn’t even have a chance to fight back!
Su Mo’s moves were too sudden. Except for Yang Rexu and Pang Yu, the top fairies reacted, and the others were all stunned.
It was not until the elders Teng’s body was destroyed that there was an alarm in the crowd.
"God, Elder Teng was shattered by a palm!"
"Too fast to teleport?"
"It can’t be teleportation. The sword platform has no magical breath. Besides, Su Mo is a fairy and can’t release teleportation."
"Elder Teng was careless, and even the teleport was not released and the flesh was broken."
On the waves rolling around the sword platform

If these dead people know that there is a life-saving opportunity to get rid of their germs and there are other benefits, how will they choose?

After some people intentionally come out, most infected ordinary people pray for those angels of light to send out "miracles" to give them light treatment
Some of the most basic purification abilities of these angels of light are still very powerful.
For ordinary people, germs are as simple as drinking water.
Harry is a senior executive of an Internet company in Dazhou, Sam. He is 42 years old and a selfish celibate.
I always feel that those women want to be with him, so he is rich, and his father left a huge legacy. He thinks he is rational and accurate in judging people, but he has seen through many gold diggers, even if they are hidden deeply.
However, it must be a long time before every girlfriend looks at it with colored glasses. Naturally, Harry has lived alone since he broke up with his last girlfriend a few years ago.
In the company, he is an inhuman worker. Of course, this is relative.
The culture of overtime work in Sam is not that a few people are willing to work overtime.
Harry is one of them.
On this day, he returned to his luxury villa in Dazhou city, and then he lay on the sofa and played video.
"It’s that disgusting guy who makes some nonsense again, saying that the news is really chaotic." Harry immediately disdained it when he saw the face of Carson, a big reporter on CBS TV.
He thinks that Carson is the lucky one who stepped on shit, but in fact he is just a straw bag.
Many technical terms are inferior to him as a layman.
Directly changed the channel.
"hmm? Angels? That is, some bird people with wings didn’t expect to see those disgusting creatures in the video media, and so did those werewolves and vampires. It’s misleading to fall in love with humans! "
This Harry always talks about his guesses with a look that sees through everything.
He doesn’t know the truth, but he always thinks he guessed everything right. What if he didn’t? That is, the answer given by the other party is wrong, and he guessed everything correctly.
Just when he wanted to change the channel, he saw a beautiful blonde reporter interviewing an angel who exuded a sacred aura.
Chapter six hundred and ninety-four Spiritual aggression
"Excuse me, Mr. Angel, are you sure you can cure those people infected by a drug-curable bacteria?" A blonde reporter was aiming at a bird with two pairs of wings with a microphone and asked.
This sentence has interested Harry.
Because he is in an Internet company class, he naturally has read a lot about many current events, especially many Sam people infected with those germs, and so far they don’t know how they got it.
Even if some people know, most people don’t.
And he’s a little interested in what those birds will say.
"Naturally, we angels are the guardians of human beings, and we are willing to resonate with us. No matter what germs appear, we are willing to treat them."
Harry laughed sarcastically when he heard this. "Guardian of mankind? It looks no different from those vampires! Are parasite living in human body. "
Not only that, but he also said to himself at home alone, "This bird man is good-looking, don’t you realize his slip of the tongue?" Willing to save ordinary people who resonate with them? Doesn’t it mean that those who are not their believers will not be saved? "
He felt that he didn’t need to look.

Hang Yu will be divided into nearly half of the combat power, and nearly half of it will be distributed to the team outside black dragon and the local lords

For everyone
Have got an amazing profit.
Zhao Ergou reported to Hang Yu about the warehousing situation of Yishaquan City. "Excluding the production raw materials, it is not counted. There are 2 purple things, 57 blue things and 412 green things … The total value of spar in the spiritual world is equivalent to about 110,000 blue crystals!"
War damage, expenditure and reward distribution have been deducted.
Are the official warehousing numbers.
Is that property of the black dragon organization.
Hang Yu, the leader of the largest shareholder in black dragon organization, has absolute control and command over these things, and even he is really surprised by such a huge one-time gain.
In addition, there are a lot of materials
With that implantation of these material
Shaquancheng troops will soon be trained.
Hang Yu’s first priority when choosing something for himself in high-quality warfare is to look at two purple things.
[Holy Light] 15-level special object Purple level is sacred +4 will +2 hierophant skill consumption 2% hierophant skill cooling 2%.
[Damaged Ancient Great Shield] Level 15 equipment Purple equipment has been damaged due to equipment. Attribute details have been hidden.
Both houses were found in big cities.
The former is a special thing, which can play an effect when it is carried in battle, but it does not occupy the position of equipment, but it does not form a bond, and death will definitely fall.
It obviously belongs to hierophant.
Hang Yu took it directly to Angelnan.
Angelnan was so happy that she never dreamed that she could get the purple thing. When she saw the property of this thing, she immediately regarded it as a baby.
With the help of this thing
Her ability has increased by at least a few tens of percentage points!
The other purple thing is a damaged shield, which is estimated to have been collected for many years, but no one has been found to repair it, and there is no way to make it be found this time with the fall of the city.
Hang Yu took it to Tashia and asked her to repair it as soon as possible.
But for Hang Yu, the giant shield is not too big.
Not surprisingly, this shield should be given to Lao Zhao.
Lao Zhao is the great god of defensive flow. If he has a purple shield, he can be said to be impregnable. Even Hang Yu has to spend a lot of effort to break his defense.
In addition to these two things
Hang Yu also found many valuable things for himself.
For example, in this pair of things, he found a skill stone that is very important to himself.
[Warrior Skill Stone Manic Roar] Prison Blood Manic bears fragments of blue quality.
That’s right!
Prison blood maniac fourth-order skill!
Hang Yu’s second bearing can be activated!
As far as the skill body is concerned, this is the fighter’s control skill, releasing a mental roar and attacking all the targets around him. Although the damage is not very strong, it has a very dizzy and very coma effect.
Hang Yu’s attack skills are not lacking.
On the contrary, this type of skills is very needed.
Chapter 497 unify wasteland
More than a skill stone.
Hang Yu also found a suitable weapon.
Level 16 is equipped with blue physical attack +72 agility +12 strength +1 attack to automatically bless the grudge effect.
[Ice breath knife] Level 15 is equipped with blue physical attack +61 agility +1 strength +1 independent ice attribute attack +1 incidental skill "ice breath"!
Both weapons are long knives with one hand.
Hang Yu’s two one-handed weapons are burning demon blades. Although they are not bad, the additional effect is quite satisfactory. Because it is a 13-level equipment, it can be considered as a transition. One of them was exploded not long ago. Now it is time to replace it.
Two weapons
They are all the best in the war.
The quarrelling blade automatically adds quarrelling effect. Whether to attack or split defense and resist skills has a great bonus effect. It is suspected to be a powerful main weapon.
The ice breath knife is relatively weak, but it comes with the skill of ice breath, which has the ability to freeze the target instantly in the fight, thus causing interference effect. It’s not bad to have a sub-weapon.
Hang Yu likes the two-handed big sword of the Abyss Slaughterer. The basic attribute is very high. Once the attached skill effect is superimposed with a hundred layers of weapons, the power will increase by 1%. Cutting small soldiers is not much more difficult than cutting vegetables.