
### 营养价值:

1. **膳食纤维**:麦菜中含有丰富的膳食纤维,有助于促进肠道蠕动,预防便秘,维持肠道健康。

2. **矿物质**:麦菜含有多种矿物质,如钙、钾、铁等,这些矿物质对于维持人体的正常生理功能至关重要。

3. **维生素**:麦菜富含维生素A、维生素C、维生素K以及多种B族维生素,这些维生素对于增强免疫力、促进新陈代谢和维持皮肤健康有重要作用。

4. **胡萝卜素**:麦菜中的胡萝卜素在人体内可以转化为维生素A,有助于保护视力,维护上皮细胞的健康。

5. **叶酸**:麦菜中含有丰富的叶酸,对孕妇尤其重要,可以帮助预防胎儿神经管畸形。

### 益处:


1. **促进新陈代谢**:麦菜中的膳食纤维和矿物质有助于加快人体的新陈代谢,增强体质。

2. **提高造血功能**:麦菜中含有的维生素和矿物质能够提高人体的造血功能,有效防止贫血。

3. **消炎抗菌、清热解毒**:麦菜具有一定的消炎抗菌作用,能够清热解毒,对于感冒等疾病有一定的治疗和预防效果。

4. **保护心血管健康**:麦菜中的叶酸和钾元素有助于保护心血管健康,降低心血管疾病的风险。

5. **助消化**:麦菜中的膳食纤维能够促进肠道运动,有助于消化,对缓解便秘有一定的效果。

6. **减肥辅助**:麦菜低热量、高纤维,适合减肥人群食用,有助于消除多余脂肪。

7. **增强骨骼健康**:麦菜中的钙和钾元素有助于增强骨骼健康,预防骨质疏松。



1. **健脾益胃**:薏米具有健脾、利湿、祛湿的作用,红豆能够补气、益血、养心,而黑豆则有助于补肾、益精、坚齿。三者结合,能够有效地补脾健胃,提高消化能力,帮助身体更好地吸收营养。

2. **美容养颜**:薏米具有祛斑、美白功效,红豆则具有补血、滋润功效,这两种食材能够减少黑色素沉积,促进皮肤细胞新陈代谢,使皮肤更加健康有光泽。

3. **减肥瘦身**:薏米和黑豆能够提高人体的代谢率,消耗更多热量,同时粥的饱腹感有助于减少进食量,从而达到减肥的效果。

4. **养颜补血、明目乌发**:红豆富含铁质,有助于改善气色,增强体力,提高免疫力;黑豆则有助于驻颜、明目、乌发,保持皮肤白嫩。

5. **健脾胃、利尿祛湿**:薏米红豆黑豆粥对脾胃虚弱者尤其有益,能够健脾、补肺、清热、利湿,适合夏天食欲不振、消化能力减退的人群食用。



6. **增强精力、缓解体虚乏力**:黑豆作为一种有效的补肾品,对于工作压力大、体虚乏力的人群有很好的缓解作用。

7. **抗癌作用**:薏米中的薏米酯和亚油酸具有抗癌作用,可以减轻肿瘤患者放化疗的毒副作用。

8. **利尿解毒、消除水肿**:红豆中的皂角甙能够刺激肠道,有助于利尿、解毒、解酒,对心脏病、肾病及水肿患者有辅助改善作用。

9. **降压减肥、防止便秘**:红豆富含膳食纤维,有助于促进肠胃蠕动,防止便秘,同时具有降血压、降血脂、调节血糖、抗癌防癌、预防结石以及减肥的作用。



1. **健脑益智**:核桃中含有丰富的磷脂、不饱和脂肪酸和蛋白质,对大脑神经有良好的保健作用,有助于增强记忆力,提高脑力。

2. **抗氧化与抗衰老**:核桃和芝麻中都含有丰富的抗氧化物质,如维生素E,可以防止细胞受到自由基的损害,延缓皮肤衰老,美容养颜。

3. **保护心血管健康**:芝麻核桃粉中的不饱和脂肪酸有助于降低胆固醇,预防动脉硬化和心血管疾病。


4. **预防骨质疏松**:芝麻和核桃都含有钙、镁等矿物质,有助于骨骼的健康发育,降低骨质疏松的风险。

5. **补肾益精**:中医认为,芝麻核桃粉具有滋补肝肾的功效,对肾虚引起的腰膝酸软、耳鸣、眩晕等症状有缓解作用。


6. **润肠通便**:芝麻和核桃都有助于促进肠胃蠕动,对便秘有一定的改善作用。

7. **健发防脱发**:黑芝麻含有丰富的维生素和矿物质,对养发、乌发、补血、明目有很好的作用,有助于防止脱发。

8. **增强体质**:芝麻核桃粉富含多种营养成分,有助于增强体质,提高免疫力。

9. **适合人群广泛**:芝麻核桃粉适合各个年龄段的人群食用,尤其是对于脑力劳动者、需要增强记忆力和关注心血管健康的人群。



1. **大补元气**:人参被广泛认为具有补益全身元气的功效,适用于气虚欲脱的重症,如气息微弱、呼吸短促、肢冷汗出、脉搏细微等。


2. **补肺益气**:对于肺气不足引起的气短喘促、少气乏力、体质虚弱等症状,人参具有很好的补益作用。

3. **益阴生津**:人参可以滋阴润燥,生津止渴,适用于治疗口干舌燥、消渴等症状。

4. **安神定志**:人参能安定心神,对于惊悸不安、失眠多梦、注意力不集中等神经衰弱症状有缓解作用。


5. **增强免疫力**:人参能增强人体的免疫功能,提高身体的抵抗力,帮助预防和缓解疾病。

6. **改善心血管健康**:人参具有降低血压和胆固醇的功效,有助于维持心脏和血管的健康,改善血液循环。

7. **促进脑功能**:人参被认为具有抗氧化和抗炎的特性,可以保护脑细胞免受损伤,并促进神经元的生长和连接,提高注意力、记忆力和学习能力。

8. **抗氧化和抗炎**:人参具有抗氧化和抗炎作用,可以帮助减轻炎症和氧化应激,保护身体的细胞免受损伤,延缓衰老过程。


9. **护肤美容**:人参的活性物质可以扩张皮肤毛细血管,促进血液循环,增加皮肤的营养供应,调节皮肤的水油平衡,避免皮肤脱水、硬化和起皱。同时,它可以抑制黑色素的还原,使皮肤变得洁白光滑,增强皮肤弹性,促进细胞再生。

10. **其他作用**:人参对于心血管系统疾病、胃病、肝脏疾病等也有一定的治疗作用,可以减轻各种症状。



1. **祛风散寒**:陈艾具有祛除风湿、寒邪的作用,对于因外感风寒引起的感冒、发热、头晕目眩等症状有显著疗效。同时,对于因外感风湿引起的风湿病、风湿性关节炎等疾病也有一定的治疗作用。


2. **温经止痛**:陈艾可以疏通经络,活血散瘀,对于因脘腹冷痛、女性痛经等症状有缓解作用。


3. **止血**:陈艾具有很好的止血作用,可以用于治疗女性月经过多、崩漏等症状。

4. **舒筋活血**:陈艾可用于治疗咽喉肿痛、中耳炎等疾病,同时也有助于舒筋活血,减轻疲劳。


5. **驱虫**:陈艾具有一定的驱虫作用,可以适当防止孩子夏天长痱子。

6. **健脾益胃**:陈艾有健脾益胃的功效,可以抗衰防老,对脾胃虚弱者有益。

7. **治疗虚火和寒火相关疾病**:陈艾可以用于治疗与虚火和寒火有关的疾病。

8. **艾灸**:陈艾可以制作成艾条、艾柱等,用于艾灸,达到温经气血、通达经络的效果,对于多种疾病有辅助治疗作用。

9. **抗衰防老**:陈艾有抗衰防老的功效,对于皮肤健康和延缓衰老有积极作用。

10. **抗菌、抗真菌作用**:艾条烟熏具有减少烧伤创面细菌的作用,同时也有抗真菌的作用。

11. **镇静、消炎杀菌**:陈艾具有一定的镇静和消炎杀菌效果,对于支气管哮喘、哮喘型慢性支气管炎等疾病有治疗作用。



1. **增强免疫力**:鹿茸和人参都有增强免疫力的作用,可以帮助人体抵抗疾病。

2. **补肾壮阳**:鹿茸和人参都含有多种活性成分,可以增强性功能,对于肾虚、阳痿等症状有改善作用。

3. **抗疲劳**:鹿茸和人参能够帮助缓解疲劳,提高工作效率。

4. **改善睡眠**:枸杞子具有养肝明目、安神的作用,对于失眠、多梦等睡眠问题有一定的改善效果。

5. **抗氧化**:枸杞子含有丰富的抗氧化物质,可以清除体内的自由基,延缓衰老。

6. **调节血糖**:人参具有调节血糖的作用,对于糖尿病患者有一定的辅助治疗作用。

7. **抗衰老**:鹿茸和人参都含有丰富的营养成分,有助于延缓衰老,保持肌肤的弹性和光泽。

8. **提高记忆力**:鹿茸和人参对于提高记忆力、增强大脑功能有一定的帮助。

9. **保护心血管**:鹿茸和人参具有一定的降血脂、抗血栓作用,有助于保护心血管健康。

10. **改善消化**:枸杞子对于消化不良、食欲不振等症状有一定的改善作用。



Compare the Chinese zongguang method and the light magic zongguang method.

Yang Xiuyu immediately gave up the method of adopting Hua Zongguang, and the difference was too much.
This Yang Xiu started with 200,000 Lingshi, and Lingshi returned to 920,000 Lingshi and was rich again!
The spell came to Yang Xiu and went to Zhang Yue again.
He is fighting many evil spirits in a nest.
Zombies, pythons, ghosts …
Fighting to the death, Yang Xiu didn’t help but watched.
In the end, many evil spirits killed Zhang Yue and gasped for rest.
Yang Xiu appeared and chatted for a few words, and then gave Zhang Yue the extraordinary swordsmanship "The Sword of Time Hiding from the Shadow" for him to practice.
Then Yang Xiu went to Shen Yuanqi.
But I don’t want to come to Shen Yuanqi, where he actually sleeps in a big stone.
He didn’t fight like Zhang Yue Fu Xia Liang.
Yang Xiuyu shouted Shen Yuanqi.
"Old Shen Lao Shen!"
"Eldest brother, you have come. Have you passed?"
"I have already passed!"
"That’s great. By the way, I’ve passed, too!"
Yang Xiuyu Shen Yuanqi was as relaxed as playing.
"Lao Shen gave these to you!"
Yang Xiu will crack the two light methods of Caihuazong and the two light methods of Guangmozong, both of which were given to Shen Yuanqi.
Then I gave Shen Yuanqi the burning Suzaku and the nine dragons.
Shen Yuanji was very surprised and looked at it carefully and said
"It happens that the two light methods of light magic cases are really severe.
It’s worth mentioning that Yu Caihuazong didn’t learn these two meanings.
Besides, this burning suzaku is interesting. I feel that all fire supernatural magic can be integrated into this transformation.
I can derive the second Gang from Yu Jiugang Shenlong … "
Yang xiu can’t stop nodding. Shen Yuanji is really bad.
Suddenly there was a huge roar in the distance.
The roar than fear Yang Xiu look a change.
Shen Yuanqi laughed, "Big Brother doesn’t care if it’s the head of the vegetable god coming to deliver the food!"
Yang Xiu said in a daze, "Is there a vegetable head god?"
"Don’t believe me, big brother, come with me to see"
Yang Xiu nodded. Old Shen Yang Xiu didn’t stay here for too long.
Say that finish Shen Yuanji a spell too clear busy.
"Big brother, please take a seat!"
Yang Xiu immediately dived into Taiqing’s busy place, as if he were really here, and there was not much difference.
"Go old Shen and take me to see this vegetable head god!"
"Brother Haole, let’s go hunting!"
Chapter two hundred and seventeen Shen Yuanji secret ancestral GuTing
Shen Yuanqi went hunting with Yang Xiu.
What is the prey?
I don’t know what the vegetable head means, but this god Yang Xiu knows what it stands for.
There is a word of God in other styles, which is either five or six orders.
In the cultivation of immortals, it is Yuan Ying Zhen Jun or deification Zhen Zun.
Yang xiu feels a little that she has been too smooth and a little drifting recently.
I don’t know how to write the dead word.
Come and hunt gods? Are you killing yourself?
But seeing Shen Yuanji so confident, he gritted his teeth and ran after him. Anyway, Shen Yuanji was too busy to return to his hometown himself
Yang Xiusui looked at the world behind him.
This big island is full of lush vegetation, and there is nothing unusual in the past with other islands.
The island covers an area of about 300 miles. There are many buildings on the island.

Lin Yangwen startled one leng.

What’s the smell of corpse in the ward?
Can it be said that Ms. Fang’s daughter is dead?
Lin Yang’s heart is full of questions.
Chapter 131 Evil spirit smile
"What are you smelling?"
See Lin Yang suddenly stopped to sniff Huang Xiaoya some curious.
The smell of corpse odor is extremely weak, except for Linyang, which has excellent sensory abilities. Ordinary people can’t smell it.
What’s more, in this hospital full of people, drugs, food, phlegm, blood and so on are still filled, and it is even more difficult to distinguish the faint smell of corpses.
Lin Yang shook his head and didn’t speak out when he found this abnormal situation.
On the one hand, this thing is too weird and sensational; On the other hand, he doesn’t want to cause panic among people around him.
Soon four people led by Ms. Fang came to the ward at the innermost part of the corridor.
Pushing the door Lin Yang, they saw two people staying in this narrow ward.
The haggard middle-aged man in his thirties should be Ms. Fang’s husband. When Lin Yang and others entered the ward, he was sitting by the window looking at the heavy rain outside the window, and his expression was full of despair.
And Ms. Fang’s daughter, a three-year-old girl, is sitting cross-legged on the sickbed and looking at the viewing platform in the corner without saying a word. Although there is no picture in the viewing platform, there is a piece of white snowflake, but she still looks at it with relish …
The little girl didn’t die, so why did she smell like corpse?
Lin Yang’s eyes flashed a fine mans.
"Ji Ji Ji Ji Ji …"
At this time, a strange call suddenly sounded in this ward.
"Hey, this seems to be a monkey call? Strange that you still have monkeys in this ward? " Dr. Zhao wondered and looked around to find out where the monkey was hiding.
At this time, the middle-aged man sitting by the window turned his head and said with a bitter face, "If you don’t look here, there will be no monkeys. That call just now came from my daughter … Well, who are you?"
Ms. Fang hurriedly introduced in the previous step, "Lao Lu, these doctors came from Jinguancheng to rescue the disaster, and I specially invited them to come and help Moon see the doctor."
Hearing this, Mr. Lu’s dim eyes immediately lit up. He quickly got up and walked a few steps. He shook hands in front of Lin Yang and said, "Please, please be sure to cure my daughter’s strange disease."
At this moment, he seemed to have found a lifeline, and the drowning man was very excited.
"Don’t worry, we will definitely do our best."
Sun Li went to sit cross-legged in front of Lu Yue in the hospital bed after comforting the man surnamed Lu.
"PSST …"
Even if Sun Li is well informed, when he saw Lu Yue’s appearance, he couldn’t help but take a deep breath in a gasp.
"What’s the matter with Sun Lao? Is the child seriously ill? " Huang Xiaoya cut asked to follow Lin Yang and Dr. Zhao to the front of Lu Yue.
When they saw clearly the appearance of Lu Yue, they couldn’t help but feel a chill from the bottom of my heart.
The cold instantly chilled them to a cold war.
Speaking of Lu Yue, this little girl is actually very cute. Although she looks a little pale, she is not terrible.
What’s scary is her facial expression.
At first glance, she seems to have a straight face, a gloomy appearance and no expression.
But a closer look will reveal that the corners of her mouth are actually evoked with a smile.
There is an evil spirit in this stiff smile, which makes people feel uncomfortable.
Pale gloomy face with a strange evil smile …
This collocation is really weird and creepy.
Seems to be aware that someone approached his Lu Yue to look back from the camera with snowflake pictures and swept them one by one in Linyang.
Her eyes are blind, and there is no vitality …
Looks like a dead man.
Suddenly, she grinned, and that weird smile suddenly bloomed, making it even more gloomy and evil, which was creepy.
"Ji Ji Ji Ji Ji …"
A monkey-like cry immediately came out of her mouth.
"This little girl … isn’t really possessed?" Huang Xiaoya opened his mouth and was surprised.
Seeing all these strange scenes in front of her, she couldn’t help believing that the hospital smelled it.
Sun Li raised his eyebrows and shouted at him, "Hu said that the theory of Chinese evil is just an ordinary person’s misunderstanding. How can you believe that this kind of ignorance has no scientific truth?"
To say that he is really bold, although the little girl is very evil, he still puts his hand on the little girl’s face, lifts his eyelids and pouts to give the little girl a physical examination.
What makes people even more surprised is that the little girl not only didn’t cry, but also didn’t dodge the block. Sun Li casually tossed her face.
This appearance makes people feel as if that face is not her.
"Yellow girl, get a thermometer." After a simple inspection, Sun Li turned around and ordered the little girl to feel her pulse.
"Yes" Huang Xiaoya should turn around and go upstairs for a moment, and then she returned to the ward with a thermometer.
Put the thermometer in the little girl’s armpit for five minutes, then take it out and have a look at it. The high body temperature marked on that surface makes Huang Xiaoya measure it wrong.
"Forty-five degrees? The body temperature is so high? It’s not a mistake, is it? "
Dumped the thermometer and waited until the mercury in it fell back, then she put the thermometer in the little girl’s armpit again.
But another five minutes later, when she took the thermometer out again, the temperature was still 45 degrees.

How do you say this kind of shop? Ki is half dead.

Because many precious Dan medicines are considered rotten streets.
Before, I was very good at refining advanced Dan medicine. The reason is very simple. Those alchemists, that is, the so-called military commanders’ level, and the number of those who specialize in Dan medicine and refining devices is simply rare to the limit
Naturally, there is a lack of so-called advanced Dan medicine, that is, it is given to military commanders and military commanders
But now?
It has reached the level of martial arts, and the number is also quite large. Many alchemists and refiners have a very high level.
Besides, if the price is too low, it is not possible to confirm whether something is good or bad. If it is too expensive, it can’t be bought directly, because this kind of transaction is based on lingshi instead of banknotes.
Those banknotes are actually biased towards ordinary people and low-level fighters, so that the higher-level words are all Lingshitong currency.
In fact, there is another thing that can serve as currency, that is, the so-called "belief power". Because there are a lot of incense in the whole domain, some belief power is redundant
Whether it is Dan medicine or weapons, it’s really nothing rare in this Argo.
This facade is not too big, so it will naturally attract those customers.
This kind of thing is almost impossible to trust others to sell Dan medicine easily in the future.
As the saying goes, "a monk can’t run away from the temple", but the problem is that Yang Guang is not a monk. How can I find him once he is ready to run away?
There are some powerful secrets that can be deduced, but this kind of thing not only consumes a lot, but also is likely to pay great consequences.
Furthermore, it is better to spend more time on other things than to make those powerful abilities in pushing the cat out of the bag.
Don’t do anything that is thankless.
But it’s reasonable soon
There is a reason why those small Dan medicine and weapons shops appear in such a big China.
Some of them are in the middle domain, and the number of cultivation resources may not be enough, so you can find a way by yourself. You can’t always fantasize about getting something for nothing, can you?
And Yang Guang’s alias "Yang", of course, many people don’t care that Yang Guang’s alias is "Yang"
The business of this Dan ware shop is also good.
He not only sells some low-grade Dan medicine and weapons, but also some so-called "Zhen Dian Bao" which is not for sale.
Actually, those things are waiting for the so-called predestined relationship. Who is predestined relationship? Yang guang is not very interested.
"Boss, how do you sell that treasure soldier here?"
Bao Bing’s words are usually given to Wu Tu and Wu Zhan, but Wu Tu’s words may cause some problems for Bao Bing.
After all, if you don’t want to spend a lot of qi and blood, it’s hard to exert your strong strength, so it’s a chicken rib
"Treasure soldier? If the price is not expensive, it will be one hundred Lingshi. "
Yang guang said casually, but the boy didn’t yell and say he was cheat people.
When the Lingshi stone was scarce, this thing was almost equal to one million yuan compared with Huayuan.
The price fluctuates in this area, and now? Yang guang’s asking price of one hundred pieces of lingshi is equivalent to one hundred million, and at that time, a treasure soldier was worth tens of millions.
In the final analysis, it is still the so-called inflation.
Those lingshi are no longer super valuable, so they will definitely increase in price.
Furthermore, it is said that one stone can be exchanged for one hundred stone.
However, in today’s world, let alone a stone, even a stone is not a rare thing, so the so-called extremely stone is quite valuable.
But it is worth noting that this hundred-dollar treasure is actually a treasure, not a treasure.
Yang guang’s random refining may be a magic weapon at a higher level. That treasure soldier has not been refined for a long time.
In order to do these things, he is forcefully refining a magic embryo into a treasure soldier.
That is to say, this so-called "treasure soldier" can be upgraded, even if it is not Yang Guang’s upgrade, but there is not much restriction.
These things can be done by finding some experienced refiners, and other changes are unlikely to occur.
"One hundred dollars is not too expensive, but is there anything better, such as Zhongbing or Baobing?" In fact, this boy is a little conative, but he immediately changed his mind when he saw his favorite girl frowning.
Seems to be trying to make a living for yourself, right?
Yang guang saw this behind the scenes and he didn’t break the story, but woke up again. "Are you sure you want to change something else? In the case of Bao Bing, it will be 400 pieces of lingshi, while Bao Bing will give you 1,000 pieces. "
You know, the difference is still very big, Yang Guang. If the surface value of this weapon is pure, it is natural that it is worthwhile.
"Well, then buy a treasure soldier. By the way, I need a knife. Is the price uniform?"
"The price of this treasure soldier will never be unified, but if you are willing to buy it, you can also buy a thousand pieces of Lingshi." Yang Guang doesn’t care about these things
He can make a lot of so-called spirit vein minerals with the sum of reiki, so don’t say some spirit stones, even the extremely spirit stone Yang Guang doesn’t care much.
"Good, I’ll take it." This boy missed the opportunity to show "money" in front of the girl he likes.
Because there is only one treasure soldier in the whole Yang’s Dan ware shop, and the rest are neutralization.
Because Yang Guang Dao Dao Cheng is in that treasure soldier, at least he can be promoted to the martial arts level.
Of course, this so-called lack of understanding made him a Emperor Wu.
Chapter nine hundred and seventy-nine Heart is complete
In fact, this bearer is not only a man and a woman, but also other people of the same age. Yang Guang looks at their situation and family conditions should be compared with the average.
The girl who looks a little beautiful but also a little cold should have a good family.
At the very least, I didn’t look at the rest of the higher-level weapons and showed an excited expression like everyone else.

Everyone knows that today is the last day of the Indian War and the king of Lingxia County will be decided.

All the monks gathered here to wait for you.
The square gleamed with brilliance.
Then a Yuan God appeared in pain and struggled and screamed, "Help me!"
"Yan county king!"
They quickly recognize this yuan god exclaimed.
Although the king of Yan County successfully escaped from the battlefield of Shura, his body abolished Yuan Shen and suffered a little spare capacity, and he was hot and red.
Xie Ling’s look quickly released the true force to suppress the fire poison in the Wang Yuan God of Yan County to resolve the crisis.
Xie Lingwang Yuan Shen bleak Yan County King shook his head slightly and sighed in his heart.
Although the king of Yan County saved his life, Yuan Shen was hit so hard that even if he found a suitable body in the future, he would be ruined.
Chapter two thousand five hundred and twelve Strong repression
Shura battlefield
Yan county king quit, even if he has no chance to get Lingxia seal, no matter how many people are left in this team.
Fierce Xuan was furious.
It’s not because Yan County King withdrew from the war of seizing India, but Su Mo abolished Yan County King right in front of him, which is different from hitting him in the face in public!
Fierce xuan look big change!
"Not good!"
Before he could fight back against Su Mo, Su Mo had already killed him.
Although there is no turning back, I can still feel a suffocating ShaQi surge!
It seems that it is not a person but a savage beast that eats people!
Fierce Xuan just stepped in to save Yan County King, who was slightly distracted by Su Mo to seize the opportunity to kill the crowd!
Will the avatar weapons come or not?
This distance is only possible to lift the crisis and regain the situation by instant occultism!
Fierce Xuan dare not release teleport.
Although teleportation can escape from the original place, it is a peerless avatar that needs to be cast, and it is easy to be interrupted in the process.
If he is interrupted by Su Mo, he is likely to be worried about his life!
The furious Shi Liexuan made a judgment to urge the qi and blood to rise to the extreme, and the blood vision loomed and broke out in the range occultism!
But at the same time, Su Mo’s register occultism sounded in his ears.
That majestic dragon rhyme broke out again and resounded through the heavens and the earth into the sky!
It can be said that the fierce Xuan reacted very quickly and made the most correct choice.
But this time is different.
More than 20 days ago, Su Mo released the secret method of Long Yin, which was in the sixth-order fairy realm, and there was no divine blessing of six teeth.
Now Su Mo has broken through to the seventh-order fairy, and the power of this secret method of dragons has almost doubled!
Two people close at hand fierce xuan and Yan county behind him Wang Hui more than 60 fairy bear the brunt of the biggest impact!
Fierce Xuan spit out a big mouthful of blood, and his head felt dull and his ears stung and oozed blood.
The abnormal blood flow of his body was almost shattered by Su Molong’s secret method before it was completed, and he was on the verge of collapse!
Fierce Xuan is the true fairy who predicts the reincarnation of Yangxian country, the fourth in the list of heaven, with strong blood and almost no weakness.
Even he can’t bear it, and what’s worse is the more than 60 immortals behind him.
Poof! Poof! Poof!
The first few rows of the nearest fairy heads burst like watermelons.
The ninth-order immortals behind are all shaking, bleeding, glassy-eyed and dead.
Plop! Plop!
More than sixty immortals fell in rows.
Those who are far away have no scars, but they look blank and know that the sea has been shattered by the earthquake.
Yan county king this army was wiped out!
These people didn’t even come to send ofuda to release and fell into the shura battlefield.
And Su Mo released the secret method of Long Yin without looking at these people. His body shape is like a python instantly winding around the fierce Xuan body!
Fierce Xuan’s vision of hanging blood vessels on the 9th day collapsed directly before it was released!
The fierce Xuan body gave a shiver to his bones, and his eyes bulged and his face swelled purple. The whole person seemed to be crushed by Su Mo!
"Brother Su, wait!"
Just then thank the whole huanguo to god hurriedly shout a.